Published May 18, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Lyman-alpha Transmission Curves

  • 1. Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics
  • 2. Johns Hopkins University


We provide a large set of Lyman-alpha transmission curves around star-forming halos above 5109Min the IllustrisTNG100 simulation at redshifts 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0. The transmission curves are provided as optical depth τ as a function of injected wavelength offset Δλ=λλLyaevaluated at the source's systemic redshift with integration starting at r=1.5rvir We provide the transmission curves along 6 lines of sight roughly aligned with the basis vectors of the Cartesian coordinate system. Further information is made available in a referencing publication that will be linked here.

The catalog itself is provided as hdf5 file with the following structure: On the base level, the data set "los_vectors" contains the direction vectors of the 6 lines of sight and the data set "dlambda_bins" provides the wavelength offsets which we evaluate the optical depths at. Most importantly, the transmission curves are provided in the group "tau" in which we provide separate data sets for each simulated redshift. These data sets are three dimensional with the first dimension indexing the line of sight, the second dimension the wavelength bin and the third dimension the targeted halo. For further study, we also provide the IllustrisTNG100 halo identifiers in the group "haloIDs", which again are provided as separate data set for each redshift.  

Note that an extended data set is available upon request, with 1000 lines of sight per emitter drawn from an equally spaced Fibonacci sphere, which could not be provided here due to the file size.


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