Published April 26, 2020 | Version 1
Presentation Open

Ants-Review: a Bounty-like system for Open Anonymous Scientific Peer-Reviews - DApp design (ETHTurin presentation)

  • 1. Neurospin CEA Inserm U992, Sorbonne university, faculty of science
  • 2. Independent blockchain engineer


In this presentation we address a central problem within the quality control academic dissemination: the peer-review process. We show how the blockchain technology could provide an efficient and feasible solution and open up possibile directions for a change in paradigm in scientific communication. We propose an incentive mechanism, called Ants-Review, that could solve the problems of lack of acknowledgment and trust during peer-review. We expose the architecture of our project and our Proof of Concept (PoC) for which we adopte cutting-edge tools from the open source blockchain community.


Presentation for the project 'Ants-Review' submitted by the team 2 MetaBounty at the ETHTurin 2020 Hackathon ( ETHTurin was the first Italian hackathon of the Ethereum Community, where hackers could develop Ethereum-based blockchain applications addressing Local Impact and SDG targets. The Ants-Review project won the first prize at the main track of the hackathon. Sponsors were: University of Turin, Gitcoin, Ethereum foundation.



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