Published May 14, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open


  • 1. University of Glasgow
  • 2. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
  • 3. Uppsala University


Malthi provides a nearly unique example of a fully excavated Middle Hellenic (MH) settlement. The excavated remains include a series of houses, storage facilities, entrance ways, and possible public architecture, enclosed by a settlement wall. Malthi is perhaps the first MH site at which a major restructuring of the settlement architecture was observed, as proposed by Valmin. The PIs research focuses on the socio-cultural motivations for the decision to make substantial revisions to the urban layout, as well as impacts on the life of the settlement and the surrounding area. PIs Rebecca Worsham, Prof. Donald Haggis, and Prof. Michael Lindblom collaborated with SPARC researchers to produce an accurate and analysis-ready plan of the exposed standing remains and a digital elevation model (DEM) of the settlement at Malthi, using a combination of scanning and structure from motion techniques. 

This work was embedded in a larger project, and aimed to reconsider the architecture of the site including prior identifications of room types (by Valmin), and to attempt to identify coherent buildings. This improved survey, mapping and interpretation exercise was intended to support a rethinking about the settlement’s organization, and re-organization, as a whole. The production of a local DEM of the site was intended to aid in a consideration of access routes and forms a starting point for establishing the role of Malthi in the larger Soulima Valley network, which may function as a major corridor.

This upload contains the report and associated images submitted to SPARC of the Malthi project undertaken in 2015.


SPARC is currently supported by NSF Award #1822110.



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