Published November 20, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research_2017 Volume_1 Issue_2

  • 1. EJAR


Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research_2017 Volume_1 Issue_2


Observed Changes in Annual and Seasonal Temperatures in Nevşehir (Central Anatolia, Turkey) for Period 1960-2016, page: 4-12 

Molecular Idendification, Virulens and Genetic Diversity of Fusarium Species on Wheat, page: 13-22 

The Effect of Volcanic Structures On Residential Areas (Between Nevşehir-Konya), Central Anatolia, Turkey, page: 23-31 

The Nutrition Status of Punica Granatum L. Gardens On Soils With Limited Conditions In Semi-Arid Southeastern Anatolia, Turkey, page: 32-41

Sustaining Vetiver grass Handicrafts: An Innovative Focus on  Rural Area and Tourism, page: 42-48

Developing Silage Maize Hybrids with the Cooperation Among Public Agricultural Research Institutes of Turkey, page: 49-53

Evaluation of the Göreme Historical National Park in Terms of Tourism Practices, page: 54-60

Evaluation of Relief Morphometry of Kılıçözü and Acıöz Drainage SubBasins (Kırşehir, Turkey) in Relation to Flood Events, page: 61-68

Determination of Yield and Yield Components of Some Silage Corn (Zea mays L.) Varieties Under Diyarbakır Ecological Conditions, page: 69-78

Comparison of Some Chemical Properties of Amik, Gavur and Golbasi Lakes Soil’s, page: 79-87

Tissue Culture Applications in Lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L.), page: 88-95

Detemination of Effective Mutagen Dose for Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. Longifolia cv. Cervantes) Seeds, page: 96-101

The Analysis of Problems in The Certification Application in State Forestry Administration in Turkey, page: 102-110

Identification of Ecological Connectivity for Brown Bears: Example of Malatya Province, page: 111-119

The Perception Analysis of Forest Products Certification in the Wood and Wood Products  Sector in Turkey, page: 120-128

Evaluation of Some Wheat Cultivars as Roughage, page: 129-137 


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