Published May 8, 2020 | Version 0.2
Project milestone Open

Specifying a linked data dataset for Europeana and aggregators

  • 1. INESC-ID


Project leader:


  • 1. Dutch Digital Heritage Network
  • 2. Europeana Foundation


Cultural Heritage Institutions that publish linked data typically publish data that covers more resources than the cultural heritage digital objects that they provide to Europeana. Especially for the case of their digital objects, where only a subset is intended for delivery to Europeana. Therefore, it is necessary that data providers make available linked data descriptions of the datasets for aggregation by Europeana, so that the specific data for Europeana is accurately specified in machine readable form.


This work was partially supported by the European Commission under contract number 30-CE-0885387/00-80, and grant agreement number INEA/CEF/ICT/A2018/1633581.


Specifying a linked data dataset for Europeana and aggregators.pdf

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