Published March 25, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Carpophilus arizonicus Powell 2020, new species

  • 1. Department of Biology Brigham Young University


Carpophilus arizonicus Powell, new species 2C03BEE8-0DE2-4127-B91E-15AF12CFCA06 (Fig. 1D)

Type Material. Holotype female labeled “ USA: Ariz.: Cochise Co. | Huachuca Mtns.: Carr | Cyn. Below Carr house | 31.4447°, -110.2864° | vii.10 - 15.2018; V-flight | intercept; W. B. Warner || HO- LOTYPE: | Carpophilus | arizonicus | Des. Powell 2019 ” (deposited in ASU).

Diagnosis. Carpophilus arizonicus resembles Carpophilus ligneus Murray (Fig. 1H) but differs from the latter species in the shape of the scutellar shield (triangular in C. ligneus, pentagonal in C. arizonicus) and the more exaggerated slope of the elytral apices anteriorly in C. arizonicus.

Description. Body weakly elongate, dorsoventrally flattened. Length 2.07 mm, width 0.81 mm. Color light brown, elytral apices and abdomen darker (Fig. 1D). Ventral surface light brown. Dorsal sculpturing moderately shiny; dorsum with fine, golden pubescence. Head: Narrower than pronotum, finely punctured. Punctures uniform in size, becoming sparser at midline. Frontoclypeal region truncate, labrum weakly emarginate, mandibles toothed, light brown. Palpi fusiform, reaching about 2/3 length of mandibles. Eyes small, finely faceted, interocular distance 0.37 mm. Antenna 1.5× longer than head; antennomere 1 robust and curved, segment 2 as long as basal antennomere, antennomeres 2 and 3 subequal in length, antennomeres 2–8 expanding apically, each apical expansion conspicuously lighter in coloration, antennomeres 4–8 each about half length of antennomere 2, antennomeres 9–11 forming strong, compact club that is slightly longer than wide. Pronotum: 1.5 times as wide as long, sides weakly rounded, anterior angles almost right angles, posterior angles clearly obtuse. Posterior margin sinuate, with well-developed marginal line. Disc flattened, moderately shiny, evenly punctured. Scutellar shield: Feebly pentagonal, reaching almost right angle posteriorly. Anteriorly finely granulated, gradually becoming glabrous. Elytra: Width subequal to pronotal width, as wide as long. Humeri weakly pronounced. Anterior angles almost right angles, sides parallel, posterior angles slightly acute, elytral apices retreating towards midline. Abdomen: Two tergites dorsally visible, goldishbrown setae denser than on rest of dorsum. Pygidium rounded with distinct, evenly spaced punctures. Venter: Overall paler, submentum narrow and transverse, antennal grooves well-developed. Prosternum punctate, punctures with fine, golden setae, process slightly convex in lateral profile, apically rounded. Mesothoracic ventrite finely punctured. Metathoracic ventrite setose, finely punctate throughout. Abdominal ventrite 1 almost as long as metathoracic ventrite, abdominal ventrites 2–3 small, finely, sparsely punctate, ventrites 4 and 5 large, granulated, more densely pubescent. Legs: Somewhat short, femora robust, covered with fine golden pubescence. Tibiae expanded apically, with 3–5 apical spines. Male genitalia: Unknown.

Variation. Only known from a single specimen.

Geographic Distribution. The species is currently known from a single specimen from Arizona, USA.

Biology. The specimen studied was captured using an intercept trap.

Etymology. The specific epithet is in reference to the type locality within the USA state of Arizona.


Published as part of Powell, Gareth S., 2020, Four New Species Of Carpophilus (Ecnomorphus) Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Carpophilinae) From The New World, pp. 175-180 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 74 (1) on pages 179-180, DOI: 10.1649/0010-065X-74.1.175,


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Collection code
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Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Carpophilus arizonicus Powell, 2020


  • Powell, G. S., and G. J. Martin. 2019. Type designations for sap beetles in the subfamily Carpophilinae Erichson (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) housed in the Natural History Museum, London. Zootaxa 4590 (2): 297 - 300.