Published April 16, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Paramblyops rostratus Holt & Tattersall 1905

  • 1. Department of Environmental Health, Medical University of Vienna, Kinderspitalgasse 15, A- 1090 Vienna, Austria


Paramblyops rostratus Holt & Tattersall, 1905

Material examined (non-types only)

ANGOLA BASIN • 1 ♂ ad. (BL = 16 mm, in 2 parts); 22°19.978′ S, 3°18.342′ E to 22°20.249′ S, 3°18.439′ E; bottom depth 5179–5180 m; 9 Jul. 2000; DIVA-1 exped., #318; ZMH 58261 • 1 imm. (BL = 9.0 mm, in 2 parts), 1 juv. (BL = 6.5 mm); 16°16.989′ S, 5°27.279′ E to 16°19.280′ S, 5°27.205′ E; bottom depth 5430–5433 m; 28 Jul. 2000; DIVA-1 exped., #348; supranet of epibenthic sledge; ZMH 58259 • 2 ♀♀ imm. (BL = 6.5–8.3 mm); same collection data as for preceding; ZMH 58260 • 1 ♀ subad. (BL = 14.5 mm); 16°13.329′ S, 5°26.837′ E to 16°14.820′ S, 5°26.702′ E; bottom depth 5433–5434 m; 29 Jul. 2000; DIVA-1 exped., #350; supranet of epibenthic sledge; SMF 55191.

Type locality

Not stated by Holt & Tattersall (1905). Upon first description, they reported material from seven stations at the NE-Atlantic slope, depth 181̄382 fathoms (331̄699 m). A rough estimate by the present author suggests that the stations are in the range of 50– 54° N, 10– 13° W.


Previously reported from the North Atlantic and Mediterranean, 34– 61° N, 72° W– 14° E, depth 200– 2900 m (Hansen 1908, 1927; W.M. Tattersall 1909, 1951; Colosi 1929; Lagardère 1972; Nouvel & Lagardère 1976; Mauchline 1986; Cartes & Sorbe 1995; Cartes et al. 2004; Vanquickelberghe 2004; Fanelli 2007; Petryashov 2009; San Vicente 2010, 2017; Sorbe & Elizalde 2013). Sorbe & Elizalde (2013) considered this species as part of the suprabenthic fauna. The here documented records in the SE- Atlantic at 16̄ 22° S, 3̄ 5° E, depth 5179̄ 5434 m, represent large extensions of the known geographical as well as bathymetrical ranges (see also Discussion).

Statoliths Statoliths mineralized with fluorite; diameter 124 μm in the ♂ ad. 16 mm, vs 89 μm in the ♀ subad.

14.5 mm, and 62 μm in the imm. 9.0 mm (2 statoliths per specimen examined).


Published as part of Wittmann, Karl J., 2020, Lophogastrida and Mysida (Crustacea) of the " DIVA- 1 " deep-sea expedition to the Angola Basin (SE-Atlantic), pp. 1-43 in European Journal of Taxonomy 628 on page 17, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.628,


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Collection code
Event date
2000-07-09 , 2000-07-28 , 2000-07-29
Material sample ID
SMF 55191 , ZMH 58259 , ZMH 58260 , ZMH 58261
Scientific name authorship
Holt & Tattersall
Taxon rank
Verbatim event date
2000-07-09 , 2000-07-28 , 2000-07-29
Taxonomic concept label
Paramblyops rostratus Holt, 1905 sec. Wittmann, 2020


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