The shadow economy as an internal threat to Ukraine's financial security
The article is devoted to monitoring the state of the shadow economy of the state as a key threat to the financial security of the state. The state of the shadow economy of Ukraine, calculated according to the methodology of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine and IMF experts, is analyzed. It is mathematically proved that there is a connection between the level of the shadow economy of Ukraine and the state of its financial security, and the level of GDP per capita as an indicator that objectively characterizes the country's development rate and is used in most methods of assessing the state of financial security. It is proved that there is a strong negative correlation between the level of the shadow economy calculated according to the IMF expert methodology and the level of GDP per capita, respectively, an increase in the level of the shadow economy will inevitably lead to weakening the level of its financial security. The hypothesis is confirmed that a strong negative correlation between the level of the shadow economy of the state, calculated in accordance with the IMF methodology, and the level of GDP per capita are predominantly standard, typical.
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