Published August 26, 2009 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open



  • 1. Museum of Tropical Queensland, Townsville, Queensland, Australia


Key to the genera of Indo-Pacific Serolidae

Since the publication of Brandt’s (1988) review there has been a proliferation of genera within the Serolidae. Prior to that date five genera were recognised; the publication of six new genera by Wägele (1994) brought the total to 20 genera. Th e most recent key, to any region, is that of Brandt (1988), and that work no longer reflects the generic composition of the family. Th e key provided here is intended only to operate for the genera known to occur in the Indo-Pacific, the region bounded by East Africa in the west, eastwards to Hawai’i and the island nations of Oceania (e.g. see Briggs 1974). Th e key also serves to emphasize the character states now in use in defining genera.

1 Uropods on posterolateral angle of pleotelson, uropods and pleonites forming part of continuous body outline........ Thysanoserolis Brandt, 1991

– Uropods mediolateral or anterolateral, not forming part of body outline.... 2

2 Pleonites not extending posteriorly along pleotelson lateral margins; pleopod 2 endopod with distal stem; uropods greater than three-quarters length of pleotelson................................................................................................... 3

– Pleonites extending posteriorly along pleotelson lateral margins; pleopod 2 endopod without distal stem; uropods less than half length of pleotelson... 5

3 Pereonites 5–7 entire, with sutures distinct; pleotelson posterior margin broad, flat and truncate; uropodal mesial margin positioned in dorsal groove on pleotelson lateral margin............................................... Sedorolis gen. n.

– Pereonites 5–7 medially fused; pleotelson posterior margin narrowly rounded or truncate; uropodal mesial margin positioned ventrally on pleotelson lateral margin........................................................................................................ 4

4 Pleonite sternal plate 1 with prominent process; pleotelson posterior margin narrow, excavate or indented............................. Heteroserolis Brandt, 1991

– Pleonite sternal plate 1 without prominent process; pleotelson posterior margin narrowly rounded................................................. Serolina Poore, 1987

5 Coxae distally acute, those of pereonite 6 narrow, elongate, greatly extended posteriorly beyond pleotelson and pleonites; pleonites extending beyond pleotelson posterior margin......................... Brucerolis Poore & Storey, 2009 1

– Coxae quadrate, not narrowed or greatly extended; pleonites extending along but not beyond pleotelson margin.............................................................. 6

6 Coxae 6 overlapping and extending posterior to pleonites; antennal peduncle articles 4 and 5 slender (8.6–10.3 × as long as greatest width); uropods ventrolateral, inconspicuous in dorsal view........................... Myopiarolis gen. n.

1 Poore and Storey (2009) have redefined Acutiserolis and those species from the southwestern Pacific and New Zealand hitherto placed in that genus, notably Acutiserolis cidaris Poore & Brandt, 1977 from the Coral Sea, have been placed in Brucerolis (see Poore and Storey 2009 this issue; Storey and Poore 2009 in press).

– Coxae 6 overlapping but not extending posteriorly beyond pleonites; antennal peduncle articles 4 and 5 broad (<5 × as long as greatest width); uropods lateral, conspicuous in dorsal view........ Caecoserolis Wägele, 1994


Published as part of Bruce, Niel, 2009, New genera and species of the marine isopod family Serolidae (Crustacea, Sphaeromatidea) from the southwestern Pacific, pp. 17-76 in ZooKeys 18 (18) on pages 22-23, DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.18.96,


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  • Brandt A (1988) Antarctic Serolidae and Cirolanidae (Crustacea: Isopoda): New Genera, New Species, and Redescriptions. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein, Germany, 143 pp.
  • Wagele J-W (1994) Notes on Antarctic and South American Serolidae (Crustacea, Isopoda) with remarks on the phylogenetic biogeography and a description of new genera. Zoologische Jahrbucher der Systematik 121: 3 - 69.
  • Briggs JC (1974) Marine Zoogeography. McGraw-Hill, New York, xiv, 475 pp.
  • Brandt A (1991) Zur Besiedlungsgeschichte des antarktischen Schelfes am Beispiel der Isopoda (Crustacea, Malacostraca). Berichte zur Polarforschung 98: i-iv + 240.
  • Poore GCB (1987) Serolina, a new genus for Serolis minuta Beddard (Crustacea: Isopoda: Serolidae) with descriptions of eight new species from eastern Australia. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 48: 141 - 189.
  • Poore GCB, Storey M (2009) Brucerolis, new genus, and Acutiserolis Brandt, 1988, deep-water southern genera of isopods (Crustacea: Isopoda: Serolidae). ZooKeys 18: 143 - 160.