Published March 18, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Bryolymnia marti Holland in Lafontaine, Walsh & Holland 2010

  • 1. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Canada
  • 2. University of Arizona, Tucson, United States of America
  • 3. Journal, Albuquerque, United States of America


Bryolymnia marti Holland, sp. n. 24499114-5236-4144-8469-68EED1B3E496

Figs 7–9, 27, 36

Type material. Holotype ♁. New Mexico, Bernalillo Co., Manzanita Mts. south of Tijeras, 7500’, Locust site, Oak Flat Picnic Area, 17 June 2007, R. Holland & M. Romero. CNC. Paratypes: 16 ♁, 19 ♀. USA, Arizona. Graham Co., Mt. Graham, Pinaleno Mts., 9000’, Cunningham Campground, 26 June 2007, J. B. Walsh (1 ♁, 1 ♀). New Mexico. Same locality and collectors as for holotype, 23 May 2006, 14 June 2006, 1 July 2006, 17 June 2007 (9 ♁, 11 ♀); Grant Co., Mimbres Mts., Spring Canyon, 7000’, 24 June 2008 (2 ♁, 1 ♀), 22–23 June 2009 (3 ♁, 6 ♀), C. D. Ferris; Otero Co., Cathey Canyon Overlook, 8500’, Route 6563 12.4 mi S of junction with Rt. 330 south of Cloudcroft, 16 June 2006, G. S. Forbes, coniferous forest (1 ♁). Paratypes deposited in AMNH, BMNH, CDF, CSUC, CNC, JBW, NMSU, USNM.

Other material examined. Mexico. Durango. 10 mi W El Salto, 9000’, 6–23 June 1964, J. E. H. Martin & W. C. McGuffin (5 ♀).

Etymology. The species is named in honor of Marti Romero, who first collected the species and was extremely helpful in collecting most of the type series.

Figures Ι–24. Bryolymnia adults. Ι B. viridimedia ♀, Mexico, Durango, 10 mi W El Salto, 9000’ 2 B. viridimedia ♀, Arizona, Santa Cruz Co., Santa Rita Mts., Madera Canyon, 5800’ 3 B. viridimedia ♀, Mexico, Zacualpan 4 B. poasia ♁, Costa Rica, San Jose, San Gerardo de Dota, 2230 m 5 B. poasia ♀, Costa Rica Prov. Cartago, R. F. Los Santos, 2400 m 6 B. picturata holotype ♀, Mexico, Veracruz, Las Vigas 7 B. marti holotype ♁, New Mexico, Bernalillo Co., Manzanit Mts. south of Tijeras, 7500’ 8 B. marti ♀, New Mexico, Bernalillo Co., Manzanit Mts. south of Tijeras, 7500’ 9 B. marti ♁, Arizona, Graham Co., Pinaleno Mts., Cunningham Campground, 9000’ Ι0 B. mixta holotype ♁, Arizona, Santa Cruz Co., Patagonia Mts., rest stop on Arizona Hwy 82, 3 mi W of Patagonia, 4000’ ΙΙ B. mixta ♁, Arizona, Santa Cruz Co., Patagonia Mts, Patagonia roadside rest, Hwy mile 15.6 Ι2 B. ensina ♀, Mexico, Durango, 10 mi W El Salto, 9000’ Ι3 B. ensina ♀, New Mexico, Grant Co., Pinos Altos Mts., south end of Cherry Creek Campground, 6753’ Ι4 B. biformata holotype ♁, Arizona, Santa Cruz Co., Santa Rita Mts., Madera Canyon, 5800’ Ι5 B. biformata paratype ♀, Arizona, Santa Cruz Co., Santa Rita Mts., Madera Canyon, 5800’ Ι6 B. biformata paratype ♀, Arizona, Santa Cruz Co., Santa Rita Mts., Madera Canyon, 5800’ Ι7 B. anthracitaria paratype ♁, Arizona, Cochise Co., Huachuca Mts, Ash Canyon, 5100’ Ι8 B. anthracitaria paratype ♁, Arizona, Santa Cruz Co., Pena Blanca, 3950’ Ι9 B. anthracitaria paratype ♀, Arizona, Santa Cruz Co., Santa Cruz Co., Santa Rita Mts., Madera Canyon 20 B. semifascia ♁, Cochise Co., Huachuca Mts, Ash Canyon, 5100’ B. semifascia ♀, Colorado, Grand Co., Radium State Wildlife Area, 7040’ 22 B. semifascia ♀, New Mexico, Socorro Co., Bosque del Apache Nacional Wildlife Refuge 23 B. viridata ♁, California, Sonoma Co., Petaluma 24 B. viridata ♀, California, Sonoma Co., Petaluma.

Figures 25–30. Bryolymnia male genitalia. 25 B. viridimedia 26 B. poasia 27 B. marti 28 B. mixta 29 B. ensina 30 B. biformata.

Diagnosis. Bryolymnia marti can be recognized by small size (forewing length: 11–13 mm), the pale-green shading in the medial area, mainly blackish-gray shading in the subterminal and terminal areas, except near the forewing apex, and by the course of the antemdial line, which has a shallow, rounded indentation between the cubital and anal veins, and curves in toward the wing base at the anal vein. It is most closely related to B. picturata (SE Mexico) (Fig. 6) and B. poasia (Costa Rica) (Figs. 4, 5, 26, 35). Bryolymnia marti differs from B. picturata in having paler green shading in the medial area, mainly dark fuscous shading in the subterminal and terminal areas, instead of gray-green shading, a less prominent medial line, and a smaller black dot in the orbicular spot.

Description. Adults. Male and female similar in size, color, and maculation. Head – Male antenna with flagellomeres very slightly swollen laterally; setae tending to group into two or three clusters on each side of each segment. Palpi and head a mixture of broad, apically serrated pale-brown and blackish-brown scales predominating. Thorax – Covered with scales similar to those on head, except blackishbrown scales predominating; a slightly divided dorsal tuft on metathorax. Legs: Covered with blackish-brown scales with white band in middle of tibiae and at apices of tarsal segments. Tibia without spiniform setae. Wings: Forewing length: 11–12 mm. Dorsal forewing ground color black in basal and antemedial area, pale whitish green in medial area, and a mixture of black, brown and greenish gray in subterminal and terminal areas; subterminal line with concave notch between cubital and anal veins, and bending abruptly toward wing base below anal vein; medial line obscure or diffuse in most specimens; postmedial line black, slightly serrated with a series of short wedge-shaped extensions projecting into medial area; subterminal line evident only near costa where blackish gray in upper part of subterminal area contrasts with paler greenish gray in upper part of terminal area; terminal line black; fringe dark gray with white scales at end of veins; orbicular spot usually obscure but outlined partially or completely in black in some specimens; reniform spot shaped like figure 8 but upper part usually obscure, lower part white with black outline and small black central dot.

Dorsal hindwing white with varying amount of fuscous, especially on veins, discal spot, postmedial line, and wing margin; females averaging slightly darker than males; fringe fuscous with white basal line and sometimes with white on outer margin. Male genitalia – Uncus cylindrical, tapered to spine-like apex. Valve somewhat oval, broad mesially, tapered apically with dorsal margin angled upward at membranous part of costa; cucullus with weak corona on apical half of outer margin; digitus long and tubular, fused to costal margin of valve to costal angle, then free of valve and slightly spatulate; apical part of clasper slender and very slightly upcurved, dorsal part of basal rod extending to dorsal margin of valve enlarged into apically rounded process extending beyond dorsal margin of valve; apical part of sacculus beyond postmedial suture more heavily sclerotized than basal part. Aedeagus irregularly sclerotized with narrow sclerite extending onto vesica ventrally to base subbasal bend in vesica. Vesica about 1/2 as long as aedeagus with postmedial cornutus tapered to sharp point. Female genitalia – Corpus bursae membranous, oval, slightly shorter than ductus bursae, with single long signum ventrally and ductus seminalis arising on right near junction with ductus bursae. Ductus bursae long and slender, membranous except for lightly sclerotized band about 3/4 from posterior end. Ostium bursae with broad sclerotized plate in ventral wall with deeply concave posterior margin.

Figures 3Ι–33. Bryolymnia male genitalia. B. anthracitaria 32 B. semifascia 33 B. viridata.

Distribution and biology. Bryolymnia marti occurs from central New Mexico and east-central Arizona southward to the State of Durango in northern Mexico. Adults have been collected between early June and early July in conifer forests.


Published as part of Lafontaine, Donald, Walsh, J. & Holland, Richard, 2010, A revision of the genus Bryolymnia Hampson in North America with descriptions of three new species (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae, Elaphriini), pp. 187-204 in ZooKeys 39 (39) on pages 193-196, DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.39.437,


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