Published March 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Indonesian-English Compound Word Equivalence

  • 1. Mahasaraswati University, Denpasar, Indonesia


This study discussed the equivalence of Indonesian-English compound word translation since both had different classifications and characteristics to be investigated. By implementing the descriptive-qualitative method, it was expected to elaborate on the distinctions of Indonesian-English compound words. There is 84 data analysis considered counting percentage of changing form and word-class either Indonesian or English.  Equivalently, the English compound words as the target language met the meaning of Indonesian compound words as the source language even though the shift occurred mostly in structure shift, but those represented the meaning and had the same lexical features. It matched with the concept of equivalence that covered aspects as accuracy, acceptability, readability and fidelity. They are not only meaning but also style.


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Journal article: 2691-4727 (ISSN)