Published June 17, 2020 | Version v1
Software Open

Code for population growth rate analysis of Atlantic cod: a size-structured analysis based on energy budgets

  • 1. Wageningen Marine Research
  • 2. University of Amstrdam


Code and scripts necessary to produces figures 2-3 in publication: Soudijn FH, van Kooten T, Slabbekoorn H, de Roos AM. 2020 Population-level effects of acoustic disturbance in Atlantic cod: a size-structured analysis based on energy budgets. Proc. R. Soc. B 20200490.

The calculations need to be executed using a C-based, open source software package that solves generic systems of nonlinear equations ( This package is also available as a R library.




This study is supported by the E and P Sound and Marine Life Joint Industry Programme (JIP), which is a collaboration among oil and gas industry companies to gain insights relevant to the sustainable exploration for and exploitation of natural resources at sea. There were no publication restrictions, the investigators operated scientifically independent from this industrial partner.



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Is supplement to
Journal article: 10.1098/rspb.2020.0490 (DOI)