There is a newer version of the record available.

Published April 29, 2020 | Version 2019v2
Dataset Open

PRIMAP-crf: UNFCCC CRF data in IPCC categories (PRIMAP-crf-2019-v2)

  • 1. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Reseach (PIK)
  • 2. NewClimate Institute



Use of the dataset and full description

A full description of a previous version of the dataset can be found in:

Jeffery, M. L., Gütschow, J., Gieseke, R., and Gebel, R.: PRIMAP-crf: UNFCCC CRF data in IPCC 2006 categories, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10, 1427-1438,, 2018

A description paper for this dataset is in preparation.

If you use this dataset, we would appreciate a brief notification to the lead author ( with a description of how the data was used. This information can help to guide the production of future updates to the dataset.

New versions of the UNFCCC CRF data are released annually with an additional year of data. Some countries also submit revised versions of their data through the year. Where possible, the PRIMAP-crf data will be updated accordingly and a revised dataset released. Data releases with an additional year of data are indicated in the naming of the data - the year of data publication is indicated by the dataset name, e.g. PRIMAP-crf-2019 data includes data first released by countries in 2019. Inclusion of subsequent data revisions from the same year are indicated by the version number, for example PRIMAP-crf-2019-v2 will include all CRF2019 data published until 27th April 2020.

When using this dataset or one of its updates, please cite the DOI of the precise version of the dataset used and also the data description article which this dataset is supplement to (see above).


If you need support in using the dataset or have any other questions regarding the dataset, please contact Dr. Johannes Gütschow at

If you wish to use the .csv file in excel but the data does not appear to display correctly, you need to set the delimiter character. To do so:

  • highlight the first column
  • Under the 'Data' tab, select 'Text to columns'
  • In the first pop-up window, select 'Delimited'
  • In the second pop-up, select 'comma' separated values
  • No selection needed in the third pop-up, click Finish and the data should display correctly.


PRIMAP-crf is a processed version of data reported by countries to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in the Common Reporting Format (CRF). The processing has three key aspects: 1) Data from individual countries and years are combined into one file. 2) Data is re-organised to follow the IPCC 2006 hierarchical categorisation. 3) 'Baskets' of gases are calculated according to different global warming potential estimates from each of the three most recent IPCC reports.


The original CRF data is all freely available via the UNFCCC website Please consider also citing this source in any work that you produce using PRIMAP-crf.

This dataset includes all 2019 CRF data available as of 27th April, 2020. For later data updates, please check the PRIMAP-crf page of the Paris Reality Check website

Files included in the dataset

Guetschow-et-al-2019-PRIMAP-crf_2019-v2.csv : primary data file with data in IPCC 2006 categories
Guetschow-et-al-2019-PRIMAP-crf96_2019-v2.csv : additional data file with data in IPCC 1996 categories
PRIMAP-crf-IPCC2006-category-codes.csv : definitions of IPCC 2006 category codes used in PRIMAP-crf
primap-crf-data-description-2019v2.pdf : data description document


All comma-separated values (CSV) files are also provided as Excel (.xlsx) files for ease of use.

Data format description (columns)

The PRIMAP-crf data in the comma-separated values (CSV) and Excel files is formatted consistently with other PRIMAP emissions datasets, including PRIMAP-hist (Gütschow et al., 2016, 2017 and 2019).

The data contained in each column is as follows:


The version refers to the year of release of the dataset (in this case 2019), and the revision number (here v2). 2019-v2 includes all 2019 data released until 27th April 2020. Previous versions are available for the emissions data reported in 2017 (Jeffery et al., 2018) and 2018 (Gütschow et al., 2019).


ISO 3166 three-letter country codes.

Additionally, the European Union is included as the sum of its 28 pre-Brexit member states with the code "EU28" and as the sum of it's 27 post-Brexit member states with the code "EU27BX". The EU data is the sum of the data of it's member states, not the data officially reported to the UNFCCC by the EU.


IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) 1996 or 2006 category codes. Please see the accompanying file PRIMAP-crf-IPCC2006-category-codes.csv for a definition of codes used for IPCC 2006 categories.

Data for 1996 categories are shared for the top level categories only, as defined below. Note that 'IPC' is used to indicate 2006 categorisation, and 'CAT' for 1996.

Category code Description

Category descriptions using IPCC 1996 terminology.

| CAT0    | National Total                                   |
| ------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| CATM0EL | National Total, excluding LULUCF                 |
| CAT1    | Total Energy                                     |
| CAT1A   | Fuel Combustion Activities                       |
| CAT1B   | Fugitive Emissions from Fuels                    |
| CAT2    | Industrial Processes                             |
| CAT3    | Solvent and Other Product Use                    |
| CAT4    | Agriculture                                      |
| CAT5    | Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) |
| CAT6    | Waste                                            |
| CAT7    | Other                                            |




Gas categories using global warming potentials from either IPCC Second Assessment Report (SAR), Assessment Report 4 (AR4), Assessment Report 5 (AR5), or Assessment Report 5 with carbon-cycle feedbacks (AR5CCF). Where no global warming potential is specfied, quantities are given in absolute weights of the gas.

| Code           | Description                                      |
| :------------- | :----------------------------------------------- |
| CH4            | Methane                                          |
| CO2            | Carbon Dioxide                                   |
| N2O            | Nitrous Oxide                                    |
|                |                                                  |
| SF6            | Sulfur Hexafluoride                              |
| NF3            | Nitrogen Trifluoride                             |
|                |                                                  |
| HFC125         | Pentafluoroethane, HFC-125                       |
| HFC134         | Tetrafluoroethane, HFC-134                       |
| HFC134A        | Tetrafluoroethane, HFC-134a                      |
| HFC143         | Trifluoroethane, HFC-143                         |
| HFC143A        | Trifluoroethane, HFC-143a                        |
| HFC152A        | 1,1-Difluoroethane, HFC-152a                     |
| HFC227EA       | Heptafluoropropane, HFC-227a                     |
| HFC23          | Trifluoromethane, HFC-23                         |
| HFC236FA       | 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane, HFC-236fa         |
| HFC245CA       | 1,1,2,2,3-pentafluoropropane, HFC-245ca          |
| HFC245FA       | Enovate, HFC-245fa                               |
| HFC32          | Difluoromethane, HFC-32                          |
| HFC365MFC      | 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluorobutane, HFC-365mfc          |
| HFC41          | Fluoromethane, HFC-41                            |
| HFC4310        | 1,1,1,2,3,4,4,5,5,5-decafluoropentane, HFC-43-10 |
| OTHERHFCS      | Unspecified mix of HFCs (GWP as in reporting)    |
| OTHERHFCSAR4   | Unspecified mix of HFCs (GWP as in reporting)    |
| OTHERHFCSAR5   | Unspecified mix of HFCs (GWP as in reporting)    |
| OTHERHFCSAR5CCF| Unspecified mix of HFCs (GWP as in reporting)    |
| HFCS           | Hydrofluorocarbons (SAR)                         |
| HFCSAR4        | Hydrofluorocarbons (AR4)                         |
| HFCSAR5        | Hydrofluorocarbons (AR5)                         |
| HFCSAR5CCF     | Hydrofluorocarbons (AR5CCF)                      |
|                |                                                  |
| C2F6           | Hexafluoroethane, C2F6                           |
| C3F8           | Octafluorpropane, C3F8                           |
| C4F10          | Perfluorobutane, C4F10                           |
| C5F12          | Dodecafluoropentane, C5F12                       |
| C6F14          | Perfluorohexane, C6F14                           |
| CC4F8          | Octafluorocyclobutane, cC4F8                     |
| CF4            | Tetrafluoromethane, CF4                          |
| OTHERPFCS      | Unspecified mix of PFCs (GWP as in reporting)    |
| OTHERPFCSAR4   | Unspecified mix of PFCs (GWP as in reporting)    |
| OTHERPFCSAR5   | Unspecified mix of PFCs (GWP as in reporting)    |
| OTHERPFCSAR5CCF| Unspecified mix of PFCs (GWP as in reporting)    |
| PFCS           | Perflurocarbons (SAR)                            |
| PFCSAR4        | Perflurocarbons (AR4)                            |
| PFCSAR5        | Perflurocarbons (AR5)                            |
| PFCSAR5CCF     | Perflurocarbons (AR5CCF)                         |
|                |                                                  |
| FGASES         | Fluorinated Gases (SAR)                          |
| FGASESAR4      | Fluorinated Gases (AR4)                          |
| FGASESAR5      | Fluorinated Gases (AR5)                          |
| FGASESAR5CCF   | Fluorinated Gases (AR5CCF)                       |
|                |                                                  |
| KYOTOGHG       | Kyoto greenhouse gases (SAR)                     |
| KYOTOGHGAR4    | Kyoto greenhouse gases (AR4)                     |
| KYOTOGHGAR5    | Kyoto greenhouse gases (AR5)                     |
| KYOTOGHGAR5CCF | Kyoto greenhouse gases (AR5CCF)                  |
|                |                                                  |
| NMVOC          | Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds           |
| NOX            | Nitrogen Oxide                                   |
| SO2            | Sulfur dioxide                                   |
| CO             | Carbon Monoxide                                  |

Gas category names and global warming potential used



Units are either t, kt, ktCO2eq, or MtCO2eq. The CO2-equivalent is calculated according to the global warming potential indicated by the entity (see above).

Remaining columns

All remaining columns are years from 1986 to 2017. These columns contain the relevant data for that year. All data are given to three significant figures and displayed in scientific notation.

Missing data

In the final dataset there are some missing data where no data was originally reported. For years 1990 onward, this either means that emissions of that gas, in that category were negligible or too difficult for the country to measure. However, please see the individual country national inventory reports (UNFCCC, 2019) for country specific information.

Only a few countries report data prior to 1990, for all other countries there is no data given in PRIMAP-crf. This does not, however, mean that emissions were zero or negligible in those years for those countries.

Missing data are ignored, or treated as zero, when calculating sums for baskets of multiple greenhouse gases or country groups. This means that any Kyoto-GHG baskets are sums across reported data only. Similarly, emissions from the EU for years prior to 1990 reflect the sum of emissions only for those countries that report data for those years, and not the true total for the EU.



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Related works

Is documented by
Journal article: 10.5194/essd-10-1427-2018 (DOI)
Is new version of
Dataset: 10.5880/pik.2018.001 (DOI)
Is source of
Dataset: 10.5880/pik.2019.018 (DOI)


  • Jeffery, M. L., Gütschow, J., Gieseke, R., and Gebel, R.: PRIMAP-crf: UNFCCC CRF data in IPCC 2006 categories, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10, 1427-1438, doi:10.5194/essd-10-1427-2018
  • Jeffery, M.L.; Gütschow, J.; Gieseke, R.; Gebel, R. (2018): PRIMAP-crf: UNFCCC CRF data in IPCC 2006 categories. V. 1.0. GFZ Data Services. doi:10.5880/pik.2018.001
  • Gütschow, J.; Jeffery, L.; Gieseke, R.; Gebel, R.; Stevens, D.; Krapp, M.; Rocha, M. (2016): The PRIMAP-hist national historical emissions time series, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 8, 571-603, doi:10.5194/essd-8-571-2016
  • Gütschow, J.; Jeffery, L.; Gieseke, R.; Gebel, R. (2017): The PRIMAP-hist national historical emissions time series v1.1 (1850-2014). GFZ Data Services. doi:10.5880/PIK.2017.001
  • Gütschow, J.; Jeffery, L.; Gieseke, R. (2019): The PRIMAP-hist national historical emissions time series (1850-2016). V. 2.0. GFZ Data Services. doi:10.5880/PIK.2019.001
  • Gütschow, J.; Jeffery, L.; Gieseke, R.; Günther, A. (2019): The PRIMAP-hist national historical emissions time series v2.1 (1850-2017). GFZ Data Services. doi:10.5880/pik.2019.018
  • UNFCCC: National Inventory Submissions 2019, [online] Available from: \href{}{} (Accessed 27 April, 2020).