Published April 29, 2020 | Version v1
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Input files for Dispa-SET for the JRC report "Power System Flexibility in a variable climate"

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Input files for Dispa-SET for the JRC report "Power System Flexibility in a variable climate"

Here you can find the input files needed to reproduce the results of the report:

De Felice, M., Busch, S., Kanellopoulos, K., Kavvadias, K. and Hidalgo Gonzalez, I., Power system flexibility in a variable climate, EUR 30184 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-18183-5 (online), doi:10.2760/75312 (online), JRC120338.

The results in the report are generated with the Dispa-SET power system model, available and explained at

A description of the data sources with the references can be found into the report.

How to use this dataset

This dataset can be used as input data for the Dispa-SET model. We refer to the report and the official model documentation for information about the data and the model.

Description of the dataset

The file EnVarClim.yml is a template of the YAML configuration file used by Dispa-SET. To run a specific climate year the XXXX present in some input files must be replaced with the year.

Availability factors

In the folder AvailabilityFactors there are the availability factors (from 0 to 1) for the power plants and the renewable generation. There is a subfolder for each simulated zone and inside a file for each climate year: from emh_and_cc_availability_1990.csv to emh_and_cc_availability_2015.csv.

Cross-border transmission

In the folder DayAheadNTC there is the file merged_constant_NTC.csv containing the capacity (in MW).

NOTE: due to an error in the pre-processing code there are some additional lines for the Western Balkans countries ending with a 1 (e.g. GR -> MK1). Those lines are ignored by the model because are not associated to any simulated zone.

Cross-border historical flows

In the file CC_L_flows.csv under the folder Flows are contained the hourly flows between the simulated zones and their neighbours (RU, TR, UA).

Fuel prices

In the folder FuelPrices are contained a set of files containing the hourly prices for the fuels (biomass, coal, lignite, gas, oil) and CO2 emissions. It is worth noting that in spite of their hourly resolution the time-series are constant through the year.

Hourly load

In the folder Load_RealTime there are hourly load time-series for each zone considering a different climate year. For the Western Balkans countries we use the same time-series for each climate year.

Outage factors

The files CC_L_outages.csv in the folder OutageFactors contain the outage factor (from 1, full outage, to 0) for the various generation units. Whenever a simulation zone is missing the model assumes the absence of outages.

Power plants data

In the folder PowerPlants there is a file named CC_L_plants.mip.csv for each simulated zone. The CSV files contain the data needed by Dispa-SET.

Water storage levels

The folder ReservoirLevel contains the storage level (values from 0 to 1 relative to the size of the storage) for all the simulated zones. The levels have been computed for each climate year using a different inflow using the mid-term scheduler recently implemented in Dispa-SET. For the Western Balkans countries we use the same time-series for each climate year.

Hydro-power inflows

In the folder ScaledInflows are contained the inflows used for the hydro-power generation. The values in the CSV files describes how much energy is available for hydro-power generation compared to the installed capacity.

Linked resources

  • Model output files:
  • Source code for the figures:


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Related works

Is referenced by
Report: 10.2760/75312 (DOI)
Is supplement to
Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.3778132 (DOI)


  • De Felice, M., Busch, S., Kanellopoulos, K., Kavvadias, K. and Hidalgo Gonzalez, I., Power system flexibility in a variable climate, EUR 30184 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-18183-5 (online), doi:10.2760/75312 (online), JRC120338.