Legal regulation to obobiganny to correct risis pid hour receiving electronic services
The scientific article is devoted to the legal regulation of the prevention of corruption in the provision of electronic services. In Ukraine, today the legal basis for preventing corruption in the provision of electronic services needs to be improved. After all, in the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Services", the characterization of the mechanism of the procedure for providing electronic services for the prevention of corruption contains only formal aspects and is reflective of other normative legal acts, which, in turn, leads to its own and quite opposite interpretation of the norms by the entities public administration.
Regarding the directions of improving the legal basis for the prevention of corruption in the provision of electronic services are: drafting and adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Procedures"; the amount of payment for types of electronic services should be determined solely by law, not by-laws; to develop and adopt the Law of Ukraine “On Administrative Fee”, which should unify the name of the fee for administrative services; it is necessary to define common administrative fees for all types of electronic services.
The expediency of the immediate adoption of the bill No. 4267-1 of 23.03.2016 as the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine" On Administrative Services "is substantiated. and will prevent corruption in the provision of electronic services in general.
It is established that the existence of corrupt and well-established mechanisms in the domestic system of administrative management, which has traditionally been established, makes the problem of establishing electronic provision of electronic services beyond what is purely technical and informational. Optimization of public administration through the transition to e-government is associated with the need to adapt the old conditions and the usual patterns of relations between the authorities and the subjects of appeals to the new conditions, in other words, with socio-institutional adaptation. Such a transition is a lengthy process, complicated by conflict and even struggle, which manifests itself in both the legal and political fields
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