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Published April 27, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Teacher training toolkit

  • 1. University of Luxembourg, Institute for Teaching and Learning


Project leader:

Project manager:

  • 1. University of Potsdam, Faculty of Human Sciences, Germany
  • 2. Eötvös Loránd University; Hungaria
  • 3. Palacký University Olomouc; Czech Republic


In the frame of the BMC-EU project (Basic motor competencies in Europe), a teacher training toolkit consisting of a teacher training concept with an accompanying user manual (BMC-EU intellectual output 4) was developed in order to support the implementation of the modular support toolkit on the basis of the concept of basic motor competences (BMC-EU intellectual output 3; Scheuer & Heck, 2020). The aim of this support toolkit is to be implemented mainly at the level of regular physical education lessons to initiate adaptations regarding the content and methods in physical education instruction.

The teacher training toolkit contains materials to implement teacher trainings structured in a theoretical and a practical part. In a first step, teachers are familiarized with the MOBAK concept, measurement, test procedure, data procession and evaluation as well as with the interpretation of test results. In a second part, they learn how to get from the diagnosis of the students’ basic motor competencies and the strengths and weaknesses identified in the assessment to concrete interventions by using the MOBAK support framework and the accompanying supportive handouts in form of a modular support toolkit, ready to be implemented in concrete educational situations to support students with additional needs in basic motor competencies.

As the teacher training toolkit aims to support and facilitate the implementation of the Modular support toolkit for teachers (Scheuer & Heck, 2020) based on the MOBAK concept and measurement (Herrmann, 2018), reference to the support toolkit and the MOBAK Test manual is given throughout this document.


Project "Basic Motor Competencies in Europe – Assessment and Promotion" (BMC-EU); Funder: European Commission - Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union; Programme: Erasmus+ Sport: Collaborative Partnerships - 2017; Reference: 590777-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-SPO-SCP; Timeline: January 2018 - December 2019; Project Sheet:


Scheuer+Heck_2020_Teacher training toolkit_ENGLISH.pdf

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