Published October 7, 2019 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

EMPHASIS-PREP Deliverable 2.2: Criteria list for user demands in different access modes

  • 1. Italian National Research Council (CNR)


Executive Summary


In its preparatory phase (EMPHASIS-PREP), the EMPHASIS project will develop a long-term sustainable strategy for the user-driven building, upgrading and operation of plant phenotyping infrastructures.

This deliverable deals with the definition of a criteria list to describe user demand with respect to EMPHASIS plant phenotyping infrastructures (RIs) and resulting services as well as different access modes to infrastructure and services. A criteria list for user demand is functional to the description of users requesting access to EMPHASIS infrastructures and services, and of the scopes for which access is requested. The deliverable is essential to provide concrete benefits to the community, and to help shaping the EMPHASIS-PREP catalogue of services.

The criteria list was developed after analysing the result of the EMPHASIS survey launched in 2018 by WP3 and WP2, concerning the mapping of users, of user demand and of the different access mode. This information was then matched with the list of infrastructures previously identified in deliverable 2.1, elaborated by WP2.


Main Results

The data collected by the 2018 survey “Do you need plant phenotyping?” were analysed to identify: a) the users involved/interested in EMPHASIS, b) their demands, and c) their expectations and needs towards EMPHASIS.

A large fraction of the participants in the survey were from the scientific community, which showed to be highly interested in the phenotyping opportunities offered by EMPHASIS-PREP. Twenty percent of the participants were from private companies, showing rising industrial interest in plant phenotyping.

For most of the participants EMPHASIS-PREP should support training in plant phenotyping and the expansion of their research network. In 47% of the cases the request was for access to installations.

On the basis of user demand towards the EMPHASIS–PREP infrastructures a criteria list was defined for the following types of access and services:

  • ACCESS: access provision for user community to the phenotyping installations incl.: controlled environment installations, field installations, networks of field sites, modelling.

  • QUALITY: measures to implement quality criteria at research infrastructure, specifically experimental design, standards, sensor calibration etc.

  • DATA MANAGEMENT: approaches enabling data reusability embedded in a relevant data policy.

  • INNOVATION: dissemination and utilization of technology and results from access and use of the phenotyping installations.

  • COMMUNICATION: engaging all relevant stakeholders.

  • TRAINIG: supporting the next generation of plant scientist.

  • EXPERT ADVICE: assessment of the plant phenotyping landscape specifically to funders and decision makers


EMPHASIS-PREP_ D2.2_Criteria list user demands.pdf

Files (1.8 MB)

Additional details


EMPHASIS-PREP – Preparation for EMPHASIS: European Infrastructure for multi-scale Plant Phenomics and Simulation for food security in a changing climate 739514
European Commission