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There is a newer version of the record available.

Published April 22, 2020 | Version version-3.20.7
Software Open

OPENDAP/bes: Version 3.20.7 for Hyrax 1.16.2


  • Hyrax can generate signed S3 requests when processing dmr++ files whose data content live in S3 when the correct credentials are provided (injected) into the server.

  • For configurations that require Hyrax to authenticate to access various remote resources, Hyrax can now utilize ~/.netrc (or a netrc file may be specified in site.conf) and Hyrax will use the appropriate credentials, if they are present.

  • The get_dmrpp script for dmr++ production has been enhanced with better configuration options and built in QC tests for inventory along with a simple value test.

  • The get_dmrpp script will default to using a template string for the value of the dmrpp:href URL when a URL is not provided with a -u switch. This allows the URL to be injected later.

  • We fixed a problem with fill values by converting the FillValue type to the data type of the associated variable.

  • Fileout NetCDF has a new configuration key, FONc.NoGlobalAttrs that can be used to suppress global attributes.

  • The CF option support is enhanced.

  • Added support for correctly generating dmr++ files.

  • Enhanced support to handle netCDF-4 like HDF5 files and general two dimensional latitude and longitude files.

See the modules/hdf5_handler/ChangeLog for details.



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