Published March 9, 2017 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

CORBEL Report on existing user access models and regulatory access policies identifying common elements

  • 1. Instruct Academic Services Limited


The ESFRI landscape includes fourteen infrastructures and several e-infrastructures in the health and food area. These cover vastly different structures and capabilities, but all provide access of some type to the biomedical sciences communities in Europe and, increasingly, globally.  
A major objective for the ESFRI Roadmap is to identify synergies between their infrastructures as well as any related regional and national facilities that integrate their services. This raises a major challenge to identify mechanisms that enable integration for user access, for service provision, for implementation of standards, for common practises and regulatory processes. 
The e-infrastructures bring existing ICT services that are used by research infrastructures and related projects and their integration relies on the co-design and development of new horizontal solutions that enable cross-disciplinary sharing. 
The aim of WP5 is to develop a common access framework that facilitates user access to services and resources across the RIs in the biomedical fields.  


CORBEL_D5.1_Existing user access models_February-2017.pdf

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CORBEL – Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services 654248
European Commission