Published September 13, 2016 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

PyramidApp configurations and participants behaviour dataset

  • 1. Universitat Pompeu Fabra


This dataset contains the necessary details to reproduce the experiments of the paper :

Manathunga K, Hernández-Leo D. PyramidApp: scalable method enabling collaboration in the classroom. In: Verbert K, Sharples M, Klobučar T, editors. Adaptive and adaptable learning: 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2016, Lyon, France, September 13-16, 2016, Proceedings. Heidelberg: Springer, 2016. p. 422-7. (LNCS, no. 9891). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45153-4_37

This data represents details of two PyramidApp experiments explained in the article (Secondary school and vocational training experiments)

  • Secondary school data folder contains 6 rounds of PyramidApp flows with 3 different student samples, 2 rounds each
  • Vocational Training school data folder has 7 csv files containing data of 3 PyramidApp rounds with the sample including the flow design. 
  • Each sub folder contains 7 csv files from the PyramidApp database.
  • Flow.csv has information about the PyramidApp activity authoring configurations.
  • Flow_available_students.csv contains which student IDs are available for which flow id. 
  • Flow_student.csv has details about students initial answers submitted for the given task in each flow.
  • Flow_student_rating.csv has rating values by each student in each flow with the timestamp.
  • Pyramid_groups.csv has the groups created for each flow.
  • Pyramid_students.csv has the information about when students added for respective pyramids.
  • Selected_answers.csv has the highly rated options for each group in each flow with the rating scores. 
  • Some fields are being encoded considering the nature of data and these csv files gives only the information considered in the context of the above publication.

We would appreciate if you cite the paper after using the dataset.




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