Published December 31, 2019 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Release of the first version of the ontology for methodology part of the nanomaterial ontology (Deliverable 4.3)

  • 1. Edelweiss Connect GmbH
  • 2. Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek (RIKILT)
  • 3. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


This report demonstrates how ACEnano has contributed to creating a harmonised nanomaterials ontology by covering the specific requirements of methodological advances in nanomaterial characterisation, improved analytical setups, and refined physicochemical characteristics. This was achieved within ACEnano and beyond and the causal relationship of nanomaterial measurands to fate, exposure, hazard and, finally, risk and safety was established. This resulted in the release of the first version of the physicochemical methodology part of the nanomaterial ontology, which is now being integrated into eNanoMapper and thus made available to the wider scientific community using this repository.


D4.3 Release of the first version of the ontology for methodology part of the nanomaterial ontology_with Annex.pdf

Additional details


ACEnano – Analytical and Characterisation Excellence in nanomaterial risk assessment: A tiered approach 720952
European Commission