Peculiarities of the feasibility study for on-grid photovoltaic installation of private household
The article is devoted to the development of alternative energy sources, in particular, on-grid photovoltaic installation of low power. The Ukrainian regulatory framework has created the prerequisites for the active development of this industry by a simplified system of interconnection sources of private households to the electrical power system and a high rate of «green» tariff for electricity for private households, producing electricity from solar energy. Similar tariffs are available in other countries, in particular in the countries of the European Union, under the name feed-in-tariffs, so private households can get paid for excess electricity that do not consume on their own households and sent into the grid.
The article deals with the disadvantages of existing methods for estimating future profits from the sale of electric energy at a «green» tariff (feed-in tariff) and proposes a method for taking into account the technical limitations on normalized electricity quality indices. It is shown, that ignoring the technical limitations, concerning the level of voltage, leads to overestimating the calculated value of the generated electricity up to 33 %, that can grow due to the increase of payback period up to 1,5 times. The possibility of transforming the overage of unrealized electric energy into heat is also considered.
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Additional details
- Feed-in tariffs (FITs) in Europe. Available at:
- SolarPowerEurope. Available at:
- Natsionalna komisiia, shcho zdiisniuie derzhavne rehuliuvannia u sferakh enerhetyky ta komunalnykh posluh. Available at:
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