Published April 9, 2020 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Stimuli and Results for "Investigating the Perceptual Validity of Evaluation Metrics for Automatic Piano Music Transcription"

  • 1. Queen Mary University of London


This contains the stimuli and the participants data for the listening tests presented in the paper:

Adrien Ycart, Lele Liu, Emmanouil Benetos, Marcus T. Pearce. "Investigating the Perceptual Validity of Evaluation Metrics for Automatic Piano Music Transcription". Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 3(1):68-81, 2020 .

More precisely, it contains:

  • The MIDI files used to create the stimuli 
  • The points in seconds at which the MAPS music pieces were cut to make the stimuli. These correspond to manually-selected 5 to 10 seconds chunks, roughly corresponding to musical phrases.
  • The data gathered during the listening test:
    • user_data.csv contains data about participants
    • answers_data.csv contains the answers given by all participants
    • comments.txt contains the comments left by the participants.

For any enquiries, please contact Adrien Ycart ( or Emmanouil Benetos (



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