Published December 17, 2019 | Version v1
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Exploring Knoweldge Production in Europe. The RISIS-KNOWMAK tool

  • 1. Università della Svizzera Italiana
  • 2. Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna
  • 3. University Gustave Eiffel
  • 4. Polytecnic of Milan


The KNOWMAK on-line tool provides a synthetic view on knowledge production in Europe, approximated through indicators on scientific knowledge (captured by publications), technological knowledge (patents), and project-based knowledge (European R&D projects). The tool allows to visualize and download about fifteen indicators on knowledge production constructed around three integrative dimensions, i.e. topics, geographical spaces and research organizations.

A core element of KNOWMAK is an ontology of knowledge production structured around Key Enabling Technologies (KET) and Societal Grand Challenges (SGC). The ontology allows providing indicators to answer policy questions, such as which are the most active regions/countries and research organizations in selected topics, both for what concerns scientific development (based on publications) and technology (based on patents).

By selecting their topics of interest and a geographical space (country or region), users can visualize on-line maps of Europe that display hot spots of knowledge production. Indicators cover quantity and quality of ‘classical’ knowledge production (scientific publication output and impact, patenting activities, participation to European Framework Programs). Further, users can identify the most active research organizations (public and private) and access a selection of social innovation projects. Finally, indicators measuring the broader societal outreach of knowledge production are provided, as captured by the number of publications tweeted and in open access.

The KNOWMAK tool will be further maintained and extended within the RISIS infrastructure project; a core development will be the introduction in the ontology of the ‘mission’ areas in the Horizon Europe program, such as cancer, smart cities and healthy ocean. This will allow RISIS-KNOWMAK to support with empirical evidence the development of the current European research policy.



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KNOWMAK – Knowledge in the making in the European society 726992
European Commission