Published October 31, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. National Pirogov Memorial Medical University


Expert diagnostics of forensic causal determinations should be based on a dialectical-materialistic approach, provided with a modern level of specially applied theoretical knowledge of pathology, etiology and pathogenesis of traumatic processes, as well as stimulated by urgent requests of the theory and practice of forensic medical expertise (FME). The aim of this work is to determine causal estimates of the components of forensic objects: natural and causal – through retrospective causal modelling.

Materials and methods. The research material was archival documents of the Vinnytsia Regional Bureau of Forensics (Ukraine) for 2009–2012 with cases of violent death from injuries. 27 deterministic models were constructed by modelling the regular relationships in traumatic processes.

Result. The qualitative unity of the forensic object is simulated: empirical (natural) and causal (determinant). The existence of an object determinant in concordance of the determinant object with the deterministic object is stated. The method of investigation of the determinants of expertise was proposed – logical retrospective modelling of object determinants dependencies. An assumed model of the dependency model is a multi-link time-chain of forensic medical determination. The adequacy of the proposed method of logical modelling of determinants in forensic examination is confirmed with the help of known scientific knowledge about dual, causal determination, causal diagnostics of determinants and forensic cause and effect relationships. It is proved that forensic expertise is a multidisciplinary branch of science and reflects the realized integration of different scientific knowledge. However, diagnosis of "causes of violent and non-violent death" requires the development of an applied methodology for FME from the standpoint of modern philosophical concepts of causality and general theory of systems, the achievements of which must be used in the construction of the methodology of FME.

Conclusions. From the results of this study, it follows that causation is only a moment of determination, and purely causal modelling as an exploration of a particular type of determination cannot give a complete explanation for the deterministic relationship. The property of necessity of a specific reason determines the tendency, the orientation of development in the form of possibility, which is actualized only by the complete set of determinants - causal and noncausal, conditional.



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