Published April 3, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Review on "Vehicle Over-Speed Detection and Identification"


Road accidents are major problem and the occurrences have increased day by day, so we need a system that can help us to reduce such accidents. According to the statistics of road accidents, over-speeding of vehicles is the main reason. To reduce the number of accident some rules are made and all the highways do have signboard that indicates the maximum speed limit but no one think to follow the rules. The current speed detection systems not able to fulfill the requirements. Number of techniques and technologies used for the over-speed detection in which some are based on micro-controllers, IC555 and Raspberry pi etc which also required human power but because of some drawback they may be not effective. To overcome we need system that not even detect the over-speeding vehicle automatically but also inform to the nearest authorities in the case of over-speeding so that the rider have to pay fine for rule breaking. This paper aims to develop a system that will help to detect the speed of the vehicle with the help of Arduino and IR sensor, if over speeding occurs the camera will capture the image of the number plate of vehicle and send it to the RTO through server.



Review on “Vehicle over-speed detection and identification”.pdf

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