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Published March 29, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

African Digital Research Repositories: Mapping the Landscape [preprint]

  • 1. Access 2 Perspectives & AfricArXiv, Germany
  • 2. International African Institute, UK
  • 3. University of Oxford & Access 2 Perspectives, UK
  • 4. TCC Africa & AfricArXiv, Kenya


The International African Institute (IAI, in collaboration with AfricArXiv ( presents an interactive map of African digital research literature repositories. […]

The interactive map extends the work of the IAI to include organizational, governmental and international repositories. It also maps the interactions between research repositories. In this dataset, we focus on institutional repositories for scholarly works, as defined by Wikipedia contributors (March 2020).


The map of African digital repositories was created as a resource to be used in activities addressing the following aims:

  1. Improving the discoverability of African research and publications 

  2. Enhance the interoperability of existing and emerging African repositories

  3. Identify ways through which digital scholarly search engines can enhance the discoverability of African research

We promote the dissemination of research-based knowledge from African repositories as part of a bigger landscape that also includes online journals, research data repositories and scholarly book publishers to enhance the interconnectivity and accessibility of such repositories across and beyond the African continent and to contribute to a more granular understanding of the continent’s scholarly resources.  


Data archiving and maintenance

The map and corresponding dataset are hosted on the AfricArXiv website under ‘Resources’ at The listing is not exhaustive and therefore we encourage any repositories relevant for the African continent not listed here to the submission form at, or to notify the International African Institute (email Both AfricArXiv and IAI will continue to maintain the list of repositories as a resource for African researchers and other stakeholders including international African studies communities.

Data set doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3732172 // available in different formats (pdf, xls, ods, csv)



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