Published December 31, 2019 | Version 1
Project deliverable Open

SPHINX Dissemination Plan

  • 1. ViLabs


The present report explains how the SPHINX project will disseminate and communicate its developments and how the consortium will achieve visibility of the project and dissemination of its results throughout its duration. It provides a context analysis of SPHINX Dissemination and Communication plan, along with overall and specified objectives of project’s dissemination actions. It defines the branding and promotion tools, the channels to be used, the respective methodology to be followed. Moreover, it identifies key stakeholder groups and elaborates relevant messages and methods for each audience. Also, it discusses the tracking of each activity, their timeline and the monitoring procedures regarding them.


SPHINX_D8.2_SPHINX Dissemination Plan v1_v1.00_ViLabs.pdf

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SPHINX – A Universal Cyber Security Toolkit for Health-Care Industry 826183
European Commission