Published March 22, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Non-linear hexagonal/pentagonal ultrasound waves of a DNA with very short wavelength propagating in an empty vacuum



Backgound: The structure of a DNA within a neucleus is very similar to an inductor within a speaker/microphone and produce some ultrasound waves. In this research, we propose a model to determine shape and wavelength of DNA ultrasound waves.


A: Theoretical Method

  1. We divide structure of a DNA into several linear and curved inductors. Linear inductors emit linear magnetic fields and curved inductors produce curved waves.
  2. DNA inductors are built from hexagonal and pentagonal bases and consequently emit hexagonal and pentagonal waves.
  3. Charged particles out and within nucleus, produce some electric fields along nuclear membranes. These fields produce some currents along membranes. These currents emit some magnetic fields which interact with DNA inductors. Thus, nuclear membranes play the role of magnets within a speaker/microphone.
  4. The interaction  between magnetic fields of membrane and DNA inductors lead to their motions.  By motions of  charged particles within DNA inductors some currents are emerged .These currents emit some extra magnetic fields.
  5.  Extra magnetic fields are linear or curved  hexagonal and pentagonal  waves depending on the shape of  their radiating DNA inductor.
  6. These magnetic fields interact with nuclear membranes and vibrate them. In these conditions, membranes play the role of plastic within a speaker/microphone.
  7. By vibrating nuclear membranes, some linear/curved hexagonal/pentagonal ultrasound waves are emerged.

B: Experimental Method:

  1. To test the model, we build several hexagonal and pentagonal magnets. These magnets produce several regions in a metal  which their electrons become paralel to magnetic fields.
  2. Electrons within boundary of two regions are in opposite directions respect to each other and become pair.
  3.  We pour some milk within two vessels and keep them between 38-400 C in an incubator. In these conditions, some bacteria grows.
  4.  These bacteria produce some ultrasound waves which break spin pairs.
  5.  By breaking  these pairs, some currents are produced which could be observed by an scope.


  1. A DNA could emit linear and curved ultrasound waves.
  2.  Topology of these waves is similar to topology of hexagonal/pentagonal bases within the structure of a DNA.
  3. The wavelength of  linear DNA ultrasound waves is around 10-16m and wavelength of curved DNA ultrasound waves is around 10-27m.


A DNA is built from linear and curved natural inductors which act like the inductors within a speaker/microphone. These inductors are formed from hexagonal and pentagonal bases. Consequently, vibrations of these inductors produce linear/curved hexagonal/pentagonal ultrasound waves. Frequency of these waves are more than frequency of  light waves and their wavelengths are smaller than size of air molecules. Thus, these waves pass air molecules and propagate in any vacuum without needing to matters.



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