Published December 31, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»


The object of research is a comprehensive approach to the formation of the marketing policy of a trading company to improve the effectiveness of marketing activities in the competitive market. The presented approach consists of three main stages, namely: assessment and analysis of the prospects of marketing activities of the enterprise, assessment and analysis of the internal and external environment, management of the marketing policy of the enterprise.

To assess the attractiveness level of the field of activity, the Cobb-Douglas production function is used, on the basis of which a number of characteristics characterizing the economic attractiveness of economic sectors are determined. The highest performance indicators are in the area of trade, construction and financial activities.

As part of the study of environmental factors, regional segmentation models are constructed using the cluster analysis method, which allows identifying stable groups of objects with similar characteristics. Segmentation allows to get homogeneous groups of regions of Ukraine on the grounds of: development level, level of investment attractiveness, level of economic activity and the need to update household appliances. The result is a group of regions with high, medium and low levels of development. The methods of analysis of variance are applied to study the differences in the product market by region.

To study the internal environment, models of product sales dynamics are implemented and forecasts are made that allow to develop a set of measures to improve the company's sales policy. To assess and predict the level of sales of goods, time-series decomposition models with the identification of components are used: trend-cyclic, seasonal, and random. The used inventory management model for improving sales policy management is adapted to the trading company based on the use of intermediate planning results, namely: demand rates, costs for ordering and storage, lead time.

A hierarchy analysis method based on an expert survey on the formation of promotion policy directions is implemented. The obtained priority measures for the use of marketing budget funds, which should be aimed primarily at the development and implementation of effective marketing measures for: promotion and promotion of sales, advertising, personal sales and public relations. The results can be implemented in the activities of trading enterprises to formulate and justify a marketing development policy.


Integrated tool development for managing a marketing activity of a trading enterprise in a competitive market.pdf

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