Published March 31, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Prisopoides caatingaensis Heleodoro & Rafael 2020, sp. nov.


Prisopoides caatingaensis sp. nov.

Fig. 39A-B.

Examined material. Holotype: “ Brasil, Piauí, Caracol, Parque Nac. [Nacional] Serra das Confus oes~, casa do visitante, 765m, 9 13 0 33ʺS 43 27 0 48ʺW ”, “ Armadilha luminosa,, J.A. Rafael, F. Limeira de Oliveira, T. L. F. Rocha cols.” (1 _ CZMA)/ Paratype: same as holotype, but “Riacho dos bois, 575m, 9 13 0 11.9ʺS 43 29 0 26.2ʺW ”, “Armadilha de malaisem 20-30.iv.2014 ”. (1 _ CZMA).

Etymology. The species name refers to the Caatinga biome in which these insects were collected. This biome is endemic to Brazil.

Diagnosis. Pronotum with triangular light brown spot, followed by conspicuous M-shaped black spot (Fig. 39C). Anterior femur dorsally and ventrally opaque, ventrally brown with several conspicuous scattered small black punctuations (Fig. 39A-D). Sternum 7 trapezoidal, 1.3 times wider than long (Fig. 40B-D). Subgenital plate with posterior margin arched, convex; medial projection slightly emarginated (Fig. 40B-D). Vomer with base strongly arched, lateral margin conspicuously curved (Fig. 40E). Basal pouch two times longer than wide; projection of basal pouch with rounded apex, pointed towards basal margin of genitalia; in dorsal view with apical margin conspicuously sinuous (Fig. 41). Dorsal left sclerite in dorsal view with lateral margin and apex slightly sinuous, with constant width; length barely surpassing half the length of genitalia (Fig. 41).

Description. Head. Dorsum and gena rugose. Clypeus and area between clypeus and labrum light brown. Area between clypeus and labrum ellipsoid, conspicuous. Compound eyes reddish, with black spots. Antenna light brown with dark brown spots and short setae.

Thorax. Pronotum opaque, with triangular light brown spot, followed by conspicuous M-shaped black spot (Fig. 39A-C). Mesonotum opaque, rectangular, with mesoscutum ellipsoidal; scutellum cordiform (Fig. 39A-B). Metanotum shiny, rugose, with conspicuous medial black stripe (Fig. 39B). Coxopleurite circular, rugose. Mesothoracic epimeron irregular in shape, rugose, light brown with dark brown spots. Mesothoracic episternum light brown, rugose, with long setae on ventral margin. Metathoracic pleural region dark brown, opaque, rugose, with black spots. Probasisternum dark brown, smooth. Mesobasisternum and metasternum rugose.

Legs. Anterior leg light brown, mid and posterior legs posteriorly the same. Anterior femur dorsally and ventrally opaque, brown with several conspicuous scattered small black spots; posterior margin with long setae (Fig. 39A, D). Anterior tibia same as anterior femur, but ventrally without black spots and shiny. Mid femur anteriorly shiny, brown, with ventral margin covered by long white setae; posteriorly opaque, brown, with black spots; ventral margin with two projections, that near tibia longest. Mid tibia same as mid femur, but opaque anteriorly and without conspicuous apical projection. Posterior femur anteriorly brown, shiny, with posterior margin slightly sinuous; posteriorly brown, opaque. Posterior tibia same as posterior femur, but with 14 spines at posterior margin.

Wings (Fig. 39A, B). Tegmina hyaline, with light brown and yellow veins and transversal veins. Posterior wing reaching tergum 8, with apical third of costal area brown; basal and mid thirds and anal area hyaline, with light brown veins.

Abdomen. Abdominal terga opaque. Terga 3-6 rectangular, longer than wide. Tergum 7 rectangular, 1.2 times wider than long (Fig. 40A). Tergum 8 rectangular, 1.6 times wider than long (Fig. 40A). Tergum 9 rectangular, two times wider than long (Fig. 40A). Tergum 10 dome-shaped, with basal margin concave, lateral and posterior margins arched (Fig. 40A). Cercus with few long setae and black spots (Fig. 40A, B). Abdominal sterna laterally light brown, medially black (Figs. 39F and 40B). Sternum 6 quadratic (Fig. 40B). Sternum 7 trapezoidal, 1.3 times wider than long (Fig. 40B). Sternum 8 rectangular, wider than long, with inconspicuous boundary with subgenital plate (Fig. 40B). Subgenital plate with posterior margin arched, convex; medial projection slightly emarginated, with small setae (Fig. 40B-D). Vomer with base strongly arched, lateral margin conspicuously curved; apex rounded (Fig. 40E).

Genitalia (Fig. 41). Basal pouch two times longer than wide; projection of basal pouch with rounded apex, pointed towards basal margin of genitalia; in dorsal view with apical margin conspicuously sinuous. Dorsal left sclerite in dorsal view with lateral margin and apex slightly sinuous, with constant width; length barely surpassing half the length of genitalia; attached to dorsal wall of genitalia.

Variations. In the holotype the general coloration of the body is light brown, whilst in paratype it is closer to gray. The spots on the pronotum are more conspicuous in the paratype.

Measurements. Body length 28.7-29.0; pronotum 1.7-1.8; mesonotum 2.8-3.0; anterior femur 7.0-7.3; mid femur 3.4-3.8; posterior femur 7.7-8.0.

Type condition. Holotype in good condition, except for the left antenna, which is missing, and the presence of traces of fungi at the base of the tegmina and on the mid and posterior legs. The paratype is more damaged, with the right and left anterior leg missing, right mid and right posterior legs separated from the body and glued to a label sheet pinned alongside the specimen. The genitalia of the paratype has approximately half of the dorsal lobe missing.

Geographical records. Brazil, Piauí: Caracol.

Remarks. This is the shortest specimen of the genus. This is the only species with the black punctuations at ventral side of the anterior femur.


Published as part of Heleodoro, Raphael Aquino & Rafael, Jose Albertino, 2020, Review of the genus Dinelytron Gray (Prisopodidae: Prisopodinae: Prisopodini), with a phylogenetic analysis of the genera of the Prisopodini, including the description of a new genus, pp. 37-80 in Zoologischer Anzeiger 285 on pages 63-66, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2020.01.005,


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Collection code
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Scientific name authorship
Heleodoro & Rafael
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Prisopoides caatingaensis Heleodoro & Rafael, 2020