Published March 9, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

RI-VIS D5.1 Communication Standards Toolkit


To become sustainable over time, European research infrastructures must increase their visibility, both individually and collectively. This requires the harmonization of the strategies, tools, guidelines and resources that European research infrastructures use in their communication. This toolkit is a collective effort of 31 communication experts representing 17 research infrastructures to provide an easy and useful set of communication tools, guidelines and resources adapted to the needs, constraints and capacities of European research infrastructures. The “Communication Toolkit for European Research Infrastructures” includes:

  • A style guide, comprised of a glossary, a jargon buster and key messages;
  • A website, including guidelines for navigation and the “about us” page, along with contents for a “about EU research infrastructures” webpage
  • A social media strategy and common hashtags
  • Resources, including general PowerPoint slides and strategies to address different targets (private sector, decision-makers and research infrastructures outside of Europe).


RI-VIS_Deliverable_5.1. Communication Toolkit with Appendix.pdf

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European Commission
ERIC Forum – ERIC Forum Implementation project 823798
European Commission
RI-VIS – Expanding research infrastructure visibility to strengthen strategic partnerships 824063