Published February 29, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • 2. Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


The method is presented and computer tools of automated measurement of electrical parameters and experimental data processing are developed, taking into account models for describing physical processes that determine the operating characteristics of semiconductor material. The possibility of automated investigation of the quality and ohmicity of contacts is realized, which significantly improves the reliability of the data obtained.

Methods and features of software processing of automated research results are considered using the models that allow taking into account the effect of surface, structure and thickness of the sample on the electrical properties of semiconductor films.

Experimental studies of a series of n-PbTe thin films are carried out and the efficiency of the developed tools and methods of processing scientific data using the described methods of experimental data analysis is shown. Based on the simulation, the electrical parameters of the surface layers were determined and the effect of the surface and grain boundary mechanisms of charge carrier scattering on the electrical parameters of the films was separated. The surface mobility of the charge carriers is approximately 3 times less than the mobility in the bulk material, which indicates the dominance of the diffuse scattering of charge carriers on the surface of the thin-film samples despite the high reflectance coefficient (0.4). Taking into account the effect of the surface and the boundaries of the grains, it is possible to choose the technological modes and duration of spraying to obtain a semiconductor material with the desired properties.

As a result of using the developed tools, it was possible to significantly reduce the complexity of the process of measuring the basic electrical parameters of semiconductor materials, processing the experimental results, to improve the accuracy of the results obtained


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