Published February 29, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Povitroflotskyi
  • 2. National Transport University
  • 3. Corporation "DSK - ZHITLOBUD"


A new scheme for the excitation of vibrations of the working bodies of the blocks of a vibration unit based on a change in the phase angles of unbalances between themselves is developed. The implementation of such an idea allows for one revolution of imbalances to realize the number of vibration actions on the technological environment, how many vibration units the installation has. Thus, the frequency spectrum is implemented, which significantly increases the efficiency of the process. The proposed scheme is suitable for the implementation of various processes with a reduction in energy consumption compared to existing designs of vibration machines. A design diagram of a vibration unit with four vibration blocks is developed. A mathematical model is selected based on the representation of machine parameters as discrete, and the processing medium as continuous. The simulation of the working process of the vibration unit is based on the use of the finite element method. The finite element model is composed by approximating all the supporting elements, including the shaping surfaces, by two-dimensional finite elements.

Vibration isolating supports and elastic elements of the model are adopted three-dimensional, since the processes occurring in such structural elements are more complex in terms of energy dissipation. The workflow of an energy-saving vibration unit that implements polyphase vibrations is investigated. The equations of motion of such a system are compiled and the amplitudes and frequencies of vibrations that determine this movement are determined. The distribution of the amplitudes of the vibrations along the perimeter of the frame, mounted on the vibration blocks of the vibration unit, is estimated. The possibility of efficient use of the polyphase spectrum of vibrations when performing the processes of sorting and compaction of materials based on the implementation of shear and normal stresses is determined. The proposed scheme of an energy-saving vibration unit and certain parameters open up a real opportunity for creating a new class of machines for use in various industries. The obtained results are used in the design of an energy-saving design of a vibration unit with a rational choice of phase angles for compaction of process media


Determination of the workflow of energy-saving vibration unit with polyphase spectrum of vibrations.pdf

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