Apart from being a national leader and social reformer Mahatma Gandhiji was a great communicator. More than one else, he recognized that communication is the most effective tool to shape opinion and mobilize popular support. Gandhiji was successful because he had a latent skill in communication that he surfaced in South Africa and this gave him the clue to rally millions of Indians when he returned to India. Gandhijis journalism belonged to an era where there was neither radio nor Television even literature was not sound. Such was the power of his soul communication that whatever he said and wrote reached the farthest corners of India within days and to the entire world. A Comparative Media Research Study on Relevance of Mahatma Gandhis Mass Journalism in the age of mass Communication revolution & modern literature with special area study references to the narratives of Shimla of Himachal Pradesh visits of Mahatma Gandhi is an assessment of the effects of developmental communication as used in the political, socio-economic, sanitation campaigns for the sake of Indian and for the freedom of India by Mahatma Gandhi, portrayed by the contemporary Indian English authors, journalists and Mahatma Gandhi himself. Moreover, in brief, to prove the relevancy of Mahatma Gandhis mass journalism, we have compared the journalism or mass communication models from Vedic period of Indian subcontinent, orally transmitted communication to the Gandhian period of journalism. There is hardly any area in the pre or post independence era of India that Gandhiji had left untrammeled for the sake of mass development, and independence. His communication was developmental based communication as it is revealed from literature-writings of contemporary authors, journalists and in the writings of Mahatma Gandhi himself. It was a common communication to all as the meaning of the word communication produces its meaning of commonness for alls voice, sharing views and development. This study attempts to equate Mahatma Gandhijis art of developmental communication, his logical thinking and ability to rouse emotions among public. It throws light on Gandhiji as an accomplished journalist and author both in media and literature. The study classifies Gandhian journalism and Gandhian writings into four kinds such as Gandhijis public journalism Gandhijis ethics both in journalism and writing Gandhijis peace both in journalism and writing and Gandhijis developmental communication/developmental journalism both in journalism and writing. These all concludes by expounding the relevance of Gandhijis persuasive developmental communication or development journalism and objectives of journalism and literature to the present day society of India and the world. In present time, there is a shortage of place for developmental communication or development journalism both in media and literature because modern journalism has become more yellow journalism, sensation journalism, paid journalism, paid advertising journalism, digital journalism or social media journalism and also the same position of the literature has been existed in the modern literature. Mahatma Gandhiji, is such socio-political figure in the world, who is barely impossible for someone to forget or ignore. Gandhiji has influenced every aspect of human consciousness and there is hardly any discipline that he had left uncommented. So Gandhiji is an immense source of writing himself and has influenced different disciplines and very many writing genres of different fields like history, politics, philosophy, literature, sociology, journalism and so on. His theme is in each equally. By analyzing and after deep study on M.K. Gandhi, the father of the nation India, how he united the hill peoples for self-rule and freedom of India by communicating them in a developmental communication way for their socio-economic, political rights, passion of nationalism and encourage them to eradicate the cruel British rule from the land of India through mass leadership and moral mass journalism. To sum up the present research study, we find that the relevance of Mahatma Gandhis mass development journalism is still in the age of modern information & technology and even in the literature towards the human justice through true mass development journalism in the commercialized and yellowish journalism where human values, human moral values and human developmental issues have been extricated from the screen of TV channels, pages of the newspapers, pages of the magazine and portals of social media tools even from the modern literature. In democratic country like India, where under Article-19 of the Indian Constitution, the citizens of India attain the right of freedom and expression but there are much lacunas being attached to the role of Indian media under this Article of the Indian Constitution to tackle the democratic problems and public interest issues through media.
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