Published February 21, 2020 | Version 1.0
Report Open

Co-creating EOSC: University Networks shaping EOSC

  • 1. University of Basel
  • 2. UCL London
  • 3. CESAER
  • 4. Science Europe
  • 5. The Guild
  • 6. TU Wien
  • 7. University of Padua
  • 8. Université de Lorraine (UL)
  • 9. Izmir Institute of Technolgy
  • 10. Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
  • 11. Uppsala University, E-IRG
  • 12. EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory
  • 13. EUA - European University Association


This report is a summary of the workshop “University Networks shaping EOSC” which was organised with the support of the EOSC Secretariat co-creation funding at the EFTA Palace, Rue Joseph II, 12-16, Brussels, Belgium, from 23-24 January 2020. The organisers gathered 35 participants from the five university networks EUA, The Guild, CESAER, LERU and the Coimbra Group as well as representatives from the Swiss Universities and the Turkish Universities, experts from the EOSC Governance Boards, experts from E-IRG and ESFRI, members of EC staff (Open Science Unit) in order to discuss EOSC building processes. The main goal was to voice the needs of researchers and research institutions with a focus on the main topics a) How will EOSC be governed and funded after 2020?, b) User engagement referring to organisations, c) Networking and collaborations.


Report_WS_University networks shaping EOSC_21FEB2020.pdf

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Funding – 831644
European Commission