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Published March 2, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Integrated Fruit Plucking and Cutting (of Stalk) Mechanism for a Fruit Plucking Robot

  • 1. B. Tech Students, Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Bibwewadi, Pune, India
  • 2. Professor, Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Bibwewadi, Pune, India


Agricultural industry is continuously being demanded a larger harvesting rate along with the best quality of food as the effect of progressively increasing population. Cutting apples from a tree is somewhat a similar kind of a tedious task. As it is not a cheap fruit, one must pluck it with speed and care. Most of the apples when plucked by hands and put in baskets one over the other very quickly are damaged. To overcome this, we are using an integrated fruit plucking and cutting mechanism. The proposed mechanism if assembled on any robotic arm which is able to detect the riped apple and sufficient to reach the apple on a tree will easily cut its stalk and pluck it with care and with speed too.



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