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Published December 31, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Random Walk Hypothesis for BRICS and Pakistan: New Evidence Based on Variance Ratio Tests

  • 1. PhD candidate and faculty member at Sukkur IBA University Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan


 This study attempts to re-examine the random walk hypothesis for BRICS-P countries; Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and Pakistan by using daily stock returns ranging from January 2000 to March 2017.  The hypothesis is tested through Variance Ratio Tests including the conventional Lo- Mackinlay, Chow Denning, new Wright’s rank, Sign tests, Hang and Kim sub sampling tests. Results under all individual and joint testing methods show that the stock prices in sample countries do not follow the random walk. These findings indicate intertemporal predictability that relates with investors’ astute. This study recommends investors to focus more to capture risk-adjusted abnormal returns and to devise their trading strategies accordingly.


The Random Walk Hypothesis for BRICS and Pakistan Ume Salma 1 to 16.pdf

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