Published February 27, 2020 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Open

96x96 Exit Wavefunctions

  • 1. University of Warwick


512x512 exit wavefunctions were simulated with clTEM, then cropped to 320x320 to remove edge artefacts.The 320x320 crops were then linearly downsampled to 96x96.

They are numpy files (.npy) that can be opened in Python with np.load(). Each wavefunction has shape [96, 96, 2], where the last two channels are for real [..., 0] and imag [..., 1] components, respectively.Wavefunctions have been stacked into a single array using a 0th axis.

There are three files:

  1. wavefunctions_n=3 is for a large range of materials and physics hyperparameters
  2. wavefunctions_restricted_n=3 is for a large range of materials and a small range of physics hyperparameters
  3. wavefunctions_single_n=3 is for In1.7K2Se8Sn2.28 and a large range of physical hyperparameters

Full sized versions are available on University of Warwick Electron Microscopy dataservers:

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UK Research and Innovation
ADEPT - Advanced Devices by ElectroPlaTing EP/N035437/1