Published February 24, 2020 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Open

Land use and cover (LUC) rasters of the São Lourenço River Basin (2002 - 2014)


The LUC dataset of São Lourenço river basin, a major Pantanal wetland contribution area as provided by the 4th edition of the Monitoring of Changes in Land cover and Land Use in the Upper Paraguay River Basin - Brazilian portion - Review Period: 2012 to 2014 (Embrapa Pantanal, Instituto SOS Pantanal, and WWF-Brasil 2015). For the development of the OpenLand R package (tests and vignettes), the original multi-year shape file was clipped to the extent of São Lourenço basin, transformed into a 5-layer RasterStack and then saved as .RDA file which can be loaded into R (R Core Team, 2019). Five LUC maps (2002, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014) compose the time series. The study area of approximately 22,400 km2 is located in the Cerrado Savannah biom in the southeast of the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso.

The category names and colors to be associated with the pixel values follow the conventions given by Instituto SOS Pantanal and WWF-Brasil (2015) (access document here, page 17). The Portuguese legend acronyms were maintained as defined in the original dataset.

The original legend from SOS Pantanal

|Pixel Value |Legend  |  Class        | Use               | Category                    | Colour|
|2           | Ap     | Anthropogenic | Anthropogenic Use | Cattle farming              |#FFE4B5|
|3           | FF     | Natural       | NA                | Forest formation            |#228B22|
|4           | SA     | Natural       | NA                | Park savanna                |#00FF00|
|5           | SG     | Natural       | NA                | Gramineous savanna          |#CAFF70|
|7           | aa     | Anthropogenic | NA                | Anthropogenized vegetation  |#EE6363|
|8           | SF     | Natural       | NA                | Wooded savanna              |#00CD00|
|9           | Agua   | Natural       | NA                | Water bodies                |#436EEE|
|10          | Iu     | Anthropogenic | Anthropogenic Use | Urban areas                 |#FFAEB9|
|11          | Ac     | Anthropogenic | Anthropogenic Use | Crop farming                |#FFA54F|
|12          | R      | Anthropogenic | Anthropogenic Use | Reforestation               |#68228B|
|13          | Im     | Anthropogenic | Anthropogenic Use | Mining areas                |#636363|



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