Published February 21, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

CORBEL Report on user engagement activities

  • 1. DSMZ
  • 2. ELIXIR-Hub
  • 4. EMBL
  • 5. MDC
  • 6. Instruct-ERIC
  • 8. EMBL-EBI


This deliverable aims to give a comprehensive overview about the user engagement and user experience activities that were developed and executed by the CORBEL consortium in order to establish contacts to various scientific user communities and to support opening of the services developed in the project to a wide community. Based on the stakeholder analysis and the communication strategy that were developed at the beginning of the project, user engagement activities started right at the beginning of CORBEL. In order to ensure effective communication with all user communities, activities have been performed by all work packages.

The tools that were employed to engage with users were direct consultancy tools (e.g. face-to-face or virtual meetings, (feedback) workshops, exhibition/participation at relevant events, organisation of project-related events like the stakeholder meetings), the organisation of two Open Calls for advanced research projects, web-based communication tools (website, newsletter, social media, web-based tools and services), PR material, surveys/questionnaires, the Innovation Office web portal and an extensive webinar series.

User engagement activities will continue until the end of the project, and several activities will even be sustained beyond the project’s lifetime, in order to maintain the established contacts to the user communities, to continuously provide information about (joint) RI services, and to offer user access to resources and services (e.g. via the Innovation Helpdesk).


CORBEL_D2.3_Report on user engagement activities_January-2020.pdf

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CORBEL – Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services 654248
European Commission