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Published June 14, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Cotunnite, cumengeite, diaboleite and other lead and copper secondary minerals in the La Reixidora mine - Monte Bedures, Meredo, Vegadeo, Asturias, Spain

  • 1. Zaragoza University


On the slopes of Monte Bedures, a hill located in Meredo, municipality
of Vegadeo, Asturias, are the remains of a series of mine workings, some of them very old. These mines were probably worked in Roman times, for both lead
and iron ores, and possibly also copper. In the La Reixidora mine, several rare minerals have been found, such as cotunnite, atacamite, diaboleite, cumengeite, phosgenite and caledonite.


Calvo and Viñals (2018).pdf

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