Published February 14, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open



The purpose of the research is to analyze and find out the effectiveness of the development of social and communicative competences in elementary school learners while teaching them foreign languages.

Methodology. The available studies highlight contradictions between the recognition of the importance of social and communicative competences in the development of a child's personality and the insufficient development of methodological tools for the development of these competences in accordance with the requirements of the state standards of primary education. On the basis of this contradiction, the problem of this research was formulated, which is to find out the favorable conditions for the development of social and communicative competences of elementary school children when learning a foreign language. At the scientific and methodological level, relevance is due to the fact that the development of social and communicative competences of children requires new approaches and forms of work that meet the requirements of humanization of education. Therefore, the urgent task of a modern school is to implement a competency-based approach to learning that puts the focus of the educational process on the formation and development of key competencies of the individual.

Scientific novelty. Substantiated and proved is the effectiveness of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of social and communicative competences in the elementary school learners: creation and support of socio-cultural subject-spatial developmental environment, which promotes the formation of independence, the ability to make subject and life choices, responsibilities; professional competence of teachers in the field of social and communicative competences development; the study assesses the development of social and communicative competences in foreign language lessons, which are based on such criteria as interaction and collaboration with peers and adults.

Conclusion. Gradual development of social and communicative competences of primary school learners will help enhance their motivation, which will have a significant impact on improving their knowledge and skills and increase their teachers’ effectiveness too.


Kazmina and Kirsanova.pdf

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