Published January 8, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Tetilla sibirica


Tetilla sibirica (Fristedt, 1887)

(Figure 12 (a h))

Tethya sibirica Fristedt 1887, p. 436 437; pl. 24, figs 22 28; pl. 28, fig. 17; Hentschel 1929, p. 860 861, 916

Tetilla sibirica: Koltun 1966, p. 61 63, figs 32 33; pl. XVII, figs 1 3; pl. XVIII, fig. 1


(Figure 12 (a b)). Body elongated, more or less egg shaped, up to 6 cm in height and 5 cm in diameter; provided with long root-like processes, by which the sponge is anchored to the substrate. The surface is markedly hispid, often with alternating lengthwise ridges and grooves (only occasionally may specimens with quite even surfaces be found). A few oscula of roundish form often grouped at the summit. The consistency is rather firm. Colour from beige to dark brown. Ten specimens examined.


Skeleton of radially spiral structure. Cortex absent.


(Figure 12 (c h)). Large oxea, usually with unequal ends, dimensions: 1519.9 4125.85 6860 (n = 50) × 14.25 39.8 63.6 (n = 50) µm. Small oxea, slightly fusiform, with equal ends, dimensions: 516 1029 1471 (n = 50) × 19.6 34.55 44.7 (n = 50) µm. Anatriaenes, rhabdome length: 2241 3617.8 5838 (n = 50) × 7.6 12.6 18 (n = 50) µm; cladome length: 81.9 197.8 283.5 (n = 50) µm. Sagittal protriaenes, rhabdome length: 701 1241 2648.4 (n = 50) × 2.4 3.6 5.9 (n = 50) µm; length of paired cladomes: 23 39.6 97.3 (n = 50) µm; unpaired cladome length: 58.5 87.3 178.4 (n = 50) µm. Normal protriaenes, rhabdome length: 1417.6 2868 4424.8 (n = 20) × 5 9.2 13.3 (n = 20) µm; cladome length: 45 86.8 146.2 (n = 20) µm. Sigmas sinuous, spiny, dimensions: 14 20.5 27.3 (n = 50) µm.


The east coast of Spitsbergen. The Kara (west of Yamal Peninsula; Taimur Island, Actinia Bay) and Laptev seas (st. L-9, L-11, L-12, L-19, O-8, O-12). The New Siberian Islands (st. A- 31, A-51, A-70, A-74), Chukchi Sea. Pacific coast of the Kuril Islands. Depth range: 7 54 m (Arctic seas), 127 414 (Pacific Ocean).


Fristedt, in his monograph (Fristedt 1887), proposed Tetilla sibirica as a new species that differed from the previously described T. polyura Schmidt, 1870 on the basis of microsclere morphology. In accordance with Fristedt, the microscleres are represented in both cases by sigmas, but were spiny in T. polyura and smooth in T. sibirica.

Although all T. sibirica specimens examined in our study were characterised by the distinctly pronounced spination of sigmas, the accuracy of identification removed any doubts, firstly because craniella polyura has an additional category of spicules, represented by raphides, and secondly because the T. polyura sigmas exceeded 13 14 µm only in rare exceptions, and always had a globular swelling (tyle) on the shaft.

The macrosclere composition, morphology and dimensions of the examined specimens agree well with the original description of Tetilla sibirica. Despite the fact that Fristedt insisted on the absence of spines on the sigmas in T. sibirica, he might have overlooked them. Unfortunately, the presence (or absence) of spines was disregarded by both Hentschel (1929) and Koltun (1966). Re-examination of the type material is necessary.


Published as part of Morozov, Grigori, Sabirov, Rushan & Zimina, Olga, 2019, Sponge fauna of the New Siberian Shoal: biodiversity and some features of formation, pp. 2961-2992 in Journal of Natural History 52 (47) on pages 2961-2992, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2018.1554166,


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Tetilla sibirica (Fristedt, 1887) sec. Morozov, Sabirov & Zimina, 2019


  • Fristedt K. 1887. Sponges from the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans and the Behring Sea. Vega- Expeditionens Vetenskap Iakttagelser (Nordenskiold). 4: 401 - 471.
  • Hentschel E. 1929. Die Kiesel- und Hornschwamme des Nordlichen Eismeers. In: Romer F, Schaudinn F, Brauer A, Arndt W, editors. Fauna Arctica. Eine Zusammenstellung der arktischen Tierformen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Spitzbergen-Gebietes auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Deutschen Expedition in das Nordliche Eismeer im Jahre 1898. Vol. 5 (4) pls XII - XIV. German. Jena: G. Fischer; p. 857 - 1042
  • Koltun VM. 1966. Citырikлucivыi gubki (iviрныk i daльнivo (tocныk мoрiй CCCР [Four rayed sponges (order Tetraxonida) of the Northern and Far-Eastern Seas of the USSR]. In: Bychowski BE, editor. Identifiers of the USSR fauna issued by the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Vol. 90 Russian. Moscow - Leningrad: Nauka, Academy of Sciences of the USSR; p. 1 - 112
  • Schmidt O. 1870. Grundzuge einer Spongien-Fauna des atlantischen Gebietes. Leipzig: WilhelmEngelmann; p. iii - iv, 1 - 88. pls I - VI. German