Published February 7, 2017 | Version 1.0
Lesson Open

PARTHENOS Training Suite: Introduction to Collaborations in Research Infrastructures

  • 1. University of Dublin Trinity College


  • 1. University of Dublin Trinity College



Archived snapshot of the Introduction to Collaborations in Research Infrastructures module, which is part of the PARTHENOS Training suite [1], which was developed as part of Work Package 7 in the PARTHENOS project [2].

By the end of this module, learners should be able to:

  • Understand what is meant by collaboration in humanities research
  • Be aware of how this model impacts upon the development of digital humanities, and digital humanities research infrastructures


The PARTHENOS project [3] recognised that over the past ten years, researchers, institutional leaders and policymakers have begun to speak more and more about infrastructure.  As more voices join the conversation, however, it can sometimes become more difficult, rather than less, to understand what exactly research infrastructure is and does.  In particular in the humanities, and the digital humanities, the term is used to cover a lot of different projects, resources and approaches.

To address this gap, the PARTHENOS cluster of humanities research infrastructure projects devised a series of training modules and resources for researchers, educators, managers, and policy makers who want to learn more about research infrastructures and the issues and methods around them.

The modules, which have been released on a rolling basis from late 2016, cover a wide range of awareness levels, requirements and topic areas within the landscape of research infrastructure. 

This deposit is never intended to replace the online version of the training material on the PARTHENOS website, and is intended as an archive of content.

Except where otherwise noted, PARTHENOS content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license CC BY-NC 4.0.


[2] WP7 – Skills, Professional Development and Advancement:


[This is an archived snapshot of an online course. The online course may be updated over time, and though new versions will be created to reflect major changes, the archived version may not match exactly the content of the online version]

Supplementary materials:




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PARTHENOS – Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies 654119
European Commission