Pedagogical mastership of the higher school teacher of XXI century: sinergy of virtual and real in the educational space
The article studies the essence and peculiarities of the development of pedagogical mastership of a higher school teacher in the synergetic combination of virtual and real in the educational space. It is substantiated, that transformation processes of the information-digital educational space of Ukraine need new scientific studies of the pedagogical mastership development. That is why the pedagogical mastership development of a high school teacher in the synergetic combination of virtual and real in the educational space is a very urgent task, because it is associated with social self-organization in changing conditions of modernity. Today the post-non-classic psycho-synergetic studying methodology of the human psychics gains its new development in the socio-humanitarian sphere. It is proved, that the specificity of psycho-measuring environments from the aspect of the post-non-classic methodology of psycho-synergy is in the internal psychic character and is conditioned by states of psychics. It is explained by the fact that external irrigators don’t directly determine human reactions – they are mediated by “internal conditions”. It is revealed, that pedagogical mastership provides self-organization of the high level of professional activity on the reflexive base in the synergetic combination of virtual and real in the modern educational space. Under modern conditions of virtual and modern worlds pedagogical mastership remains the “extremely felt activity of planning the future word of mankind”. There are concretized peculiarities of the influence of transformation processes of the information-digital educational space on the modern generation. Most important requirements to pedagogical mastership under conditions of transformation processes of the information-digital educational space that will influence the modern generation are concretized: the modern teacher is an active user of the Internet, who must understand his/her own responsibility at interactions in social networks; an aim of the “school of future” is to adapt education to unique characteristics of each pupil, developing moral-ethic qualities; introduction of on-line education reduces financial costs at intensifying the emotional-positive influence of feedback in education; integral study of the educational space in the triad “past – present – future”. Directions of the development of pedagogical mastership of a higher school teacher of XXI century are explained on the example of the work of the Educational-consulting Center of ONPU “Pedagogical mastership of a higher school teacher”
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