The theoretical and practical aspectsof the preparation of education development managers to the implementation of the concepts of the social cohesion
- 1. Municipal Institution "Zaporizhzhya Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education and Psychology" of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Council
The article covers the theoretical and practical aspects of the training of managers of educational institutions for the implementation of the concept of social cohesion in the social and cultural environment.
The urgency of the research is that the formation of civil society in Ukraine predetermines the joint activity of the institution of education with the community in order to solve social problems and enrich the social and cultural environment, but the modern education managers, not having enough activity’s experience in the new social and economic conditions, need mastering of the effective mechanisms of the implementation of social partnership with representatives of the environment (state and commercial institutions and institutions, as well as public associations and communities).
The article presents the training program "The Development of the social cohesion of subjects of the educational process" (24 academic hours) developed at the Department of Education of Management and Psychology of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, which was approved during the inter-course training of the heads of educational institutions of the Zaporizhzhya region. This curriculum can be used for the preparation and improvement of the skills of managers of the institutions of higher and postgraduate education.
The authors of the study prove that the involvement of educational institutions leaders in active education and intensive communication in the format of the training contributes to the creation of a new managerial experience of modern education managers.
The article notes that the use of the leaders of educational institutions in relations with social partners of social techniques and methods of interaction will promote the achievement of social cohesion in the social and cultural environment of educational institutions
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