Published July 31, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Kherson State University
  • 2. Kherson State Agricultural University
  • 3. Kyiv University of Culture
  • 4. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts
  • 5. Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


The aim of this work is to study quality and safety parameters of developed recipes of liver pastes with a partial replacement of liver by aubergine powder that allows to improve their food value and to introduce them in food rations of people, working at toxic enterprises, living on ecologically polluted territories and all population layers.

This work is devoted to studying quality and safety parameters of liver pastes with aubergine powders, produced by infrared drying at temperature 50–60 °С. Chemical parameters, established for developed paste products, are presented.

The use of aubergine powders gives a possibility to increase biological and food values, to widen the assortment of pastes with prognosticated quality parameters, to form new consumption properties of products, to use the food potential of vegetable supplements more completely. It has been proved, that new pastes with using aubergine powders confirmed advantages of developed products over traditional ones. 

New products have a balanced chemical composition, low energetic value, decreased content of easily assimilated carbohydrates and increased content of healthy ingredients of functional and treating-prophylactic destination. 

These studies testify the quality and safety of developed paste recipes. It has been established, that adding aubergine powders in paste recipes results in increasing a food value at the expanse of raising an amount of carbohydrates, content of irreplaceable amino acids, enrichment with mineral substances and vitamins.



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