Aggregated risk management matrix (Deliverable D1.6)
- 1. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Spain SL
- 2. Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin
Risk management is crucial for ensuring sustainable outcomes of the EdiCitNet project. To
minimise negative interferences, WP1 Urban Governance and Network Infrastructure team
asked all EdiCitNet City Team coordinators to list the major risks in the categories (political,
social, economic, environmental, organisational risk) that each City Team faces to achieve
its goals and indicate the likely probability and impact of the identified risk (high, medium
or low), and propose possible measures for preventing the risk or mitigating the expected
impacts. All results were aggregated in a table and some mitigation strategies were
drafted. City-based risk management matrices were shared among all cities and partners to
encourage shared learning and mutual support with anticipating and solving
problems. Managing risks and updating the risk management matrices on a regular
basis was included as a responsibility in the Terms of Reference for each local EdiCitNet city
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