Published January 9, 2020 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Livorno, Urban driving, IMU pothole detection


Scenario description:

Test session for connected car detecting potholes using the combination of one or more of the following sensors: smartphone, 6LoWPAN vibration sensor, IMU.
The information is sent to the cloud and can be sent back to other connected vehicles for warning.
The information is also transmitted via V2V to AD cars that can automatically adapt the speed.

Session description:

Test session with only a connected car with IMU based pothole detector, lap of 1,9 km on the harbour's public road. Goal is to record data for the technical evaluation.

Datasets descriptions:

AUTOPILOT_Livorno_UrbanDriving_Vehicle_all: Data generated from the vehicle sensors

This dataset refers to the vehicle datasets generated from the vehicle sensors during Urban Driving in Livorno. This includes the data coming from the CAN bus and GPS. It includes following kind of dataset: Vehicle: general data (speed, battery); PositioningSystem: data from GPS; VehicleDynamics: data about dynamic (acceleration...); LateralControl: steering and lane control data

AUTOPILOT_Livorno_UrbanDriving_V2X_all: V2V messages during platooning sessions

This dataset refers to the V2V messages exchanged between ITS stations (vehicles and RSUs) during the Urban Drining in Livorno.

AUTOPILOT_Livorno_UrbanDriving_IoT_all: Data extracted from IoT oneM2M platform

This dataset refers to messages exchanged by Urban Driving devices, applications and services across the oneM2M platform.


Additional details


AUTOPILOT – AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things 731993
European Commission